A growing collection of scenarios designed by the Future Fabulators. For background information see scenario_building and scenario methods

Capture d’écran 2013-11-14 à 14.31.12

Open Futures Library

“The Open Futures Library is a publicly-contributed, indexed, searchable collection of future scenarios and other images of the future. Hundreds of futures projects worldwide each year generate depictions of the future in the form of scenarios, story sketches, artist’s impressions, videos and so on and publish them online, but finding and reusing these depictions is very difficult. Our goal is to provide a repository which indexes each depiction of the future by the kinds of criteria that makes it reusable.” http://openfutures.net/

Future Fabulations

“Any useful idea about the future should appear to be ridiculous” Dator’s 2nd Law of the Future

Scenarios emerging from FoAM workshops are based on the ideas behind prehearsing the future.

  • future_fabulators/scenarios.txt
  • Last modified: 2015-06-10 12:22
  • by maja
  • Currently locked by: