This page shows various approaches to the parallel and the possible. We're interested in how futures can inform present practices that are attempting to answer the question: “how could things be otherwise”? Some projects implicitly assume a specific future, others demand nothing less than total commitment ot the present. Somewhat related to design fiction, yet focused on creating parallels or alternatives to existing cultures. it also has something to do with incubating the culture of the 'long now', extended present, smeared moments…

e.g. micronations, Kingdom of Elgaland Vargaland, NSK, Near Future Lab, Superflux, BERG, Loop, Pierre Huyghe, Tobias Revell, infrastructure fiction, design fiction, kaospilots, D'Annunzio's Fiume, various communes/intentional communities from the 1960s onward, Irrational, Collapsonomics, Future Farmers, Institute of Collapsonomics, Unmonastery, Edgeryders, etc.

towards specific works/events/examples

“Enter design futurescaping – the short tail of long term thinking. Embracing risk and volatility, we lever our existing expertise in foresight, design, and technology, to help prototype new ideas. Working with clients to produce a shared inventory of possibilities, we filter the relevant variables into a set of scenarios, prototypes, and experiences; allowing stakeholders to appreciate the full impact and workings of their proposals.”

  • Future Search is the name for a 3-day planning meeting that enables people to cooperate in complex situations, including those of high conflict and uncertainty. The method typically involves groups of 40 to 80 people in one room and as many as 300 in parallel conferences. People from diverse backgrounds use Future Searches to make systemic improvements in their communities and organizations, working entirely from their own experience.”
  • “The future workshop is a futures technique developed by Robert Jungk, Ruediger Lutz and Norbert R. Muellert in the 1970s. It enables a group of people to develop new ideas or solutions of social problems. A future workshop is particularly suitable for participants who have little experience with processes of creative decision making, for example Children or Youth. However it requires an intensive preparation and support by trained moderators. It is used in spatial planning to involve citizens in the planning process.”

instead of just talking about change, implementing change in .o.a. doing democracy

  • future_fabulators/possible_futures_parallel_presents.txt
  • Last modified: 2014-03-24 07:50
  • by nik
  • Currently locked by: