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the_overlooked_and_the_unheard [2019-06-23 13:02] nikthe_overlooked_and_the_unheard [2019-07-10 08:23] maja
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 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Stigli smo u Savičentu baš kad je oluja počela zamračivati nebo. Teški oblaci prekrili su grad dubokim sjenama. Zrak postaje ljepljiv i nepokretan. Kroz atmosferu se širi neki tihi predosjećaj, progonjen duhovima nemirne prošlosti i nesigurne budućnosti. Ptice prestaju pjevati. Sablasna tišina istovremeno obavija ljude, zgrade i ulice. Električna tišina iščekivanja.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>We arrived in Savičenta as a storm was darkening the sky. Heavy clouds shroud the town in deep shadow. The air, sticky and unmoving. We diffuse slowly through an atmosphere of hushed foreboding, haunted by the troubled past and uncertain future. People disappear, birds stop singing. An invisible drifting as eerie quiet envelopes people, streets and buildings alike. A charged, expectant silence...</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Oluja se najavljuje s režanjem udaljene grmljavine. Kroz munje prazni sav svoj električni bijes,  gromovima šalje zaglušujuću buku. Dok nam nebo nad glavom puca, grad se pomalo topi u nebeskom vodopadu. Tišina se preobrazila u bijeli šum. Satima kao da ne postoji ništa osim kiše. Urušene fasade se prelamaju kroz bezbrojne leće kišnih kapi.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>The storm announces itself with the growl of approaching thunder. It discharges an electrical fury, inevitably followed by deafening noise. As the sky cracks open, the town itself disappears into a waterfall. The silence subsumed into the white noise of storms. For a long time, there is nothing but rain. Crumbling facades blurred and refracted through myriad lenses of raindrops.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Čak ni Istarski krš ne može dovoljno brzo upiti svu tu vodu. Ono što je prije bio put sad je rijeka. Vrtače su sada lokve. Napuknuta zemlja preplavljuje, guta kišu i povraća blato.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Even the karstic landscape of porous limestone could not soak the water up quickly enough. What was previously a path has become a river. Sinkholes are now puddles. Cracked earth overflowing, regurgitating rain and mud.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>A onda, kao da je netko stišao neke nebeske zvučnike, buka proloma oblaka postaje šapat magle. Zalazak sunca se probija kroz mokro sivilo; boji zrak čudnim sumporno-žućkastim bojama i slika dvostruku dugu preko čitavog neba.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>And then, as if the volume was turned down on sky-wide loudspeakers, noise subsides into whispering trickles of mist. Sunset breaks through the clouds, colouring the air with strange sulphurous yellows and painting a double rainbow across the sky.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Ekstremne vremenske pojave. To su fenomeni koji će nam postati sve poznatiji kad klimatski kaos uzme sve više maha. Kako će se ova regija promijeniti ako se nastave nepredvidivi toplinski valovi i rekordne kiše? Napred-natrag, gore-dolje, poput mnogobrojnih vojski koje su u prošlosti marširale kroz Istru. Hoćemo li živjeti u pustinji, ili u vlažnijoj vrućini kao u džungli? Hoće li poplave i plodno tlo postupno kliziti u more ili će se povući u špilje ispod osušenih brežuljaka? Koliko će naših životinjskih i biljnih susjeda biti svjedoci tim promjenama? A gdje će biti ljudi?</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Extreme weather. A phenomenon that will become ever more familiar during the climate chaos ahead. How will this specific region change as unpredictable heatwaves and record-breaking rainfalls continue? Back and forth, back and forth, like the armies that marched across Istria in the past. Will we find ourselves living in a desert, or in a more humid, jungle-like heat? Will the floods and fertile soil slide gradually into the sea, or retreat into caves underneath parched hills? How many of our animal and vegetal neighbours will still be around as witnesses? Where will the humans be?</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Ne trebaju nam Excel tablice niti kristalne kugle da bi otkrili moguće budućnosti Istre. Mnoštvo budućnosti je već prisutno, u nekom latentnom obliku. Možemo ih naći ne samo u okruženju, već i u našim vlastitim postupcima. Bez obzira koliko su mali. Bez obzira koliko su naizgled nebitni. Od misli do riječi, od riječi do djelovanja, od djelovanja do navika i od navika do karaktera. Od jedne osobe do zajednice do kulture. Proces stvaranja budućnosti iziskuje mnogo vremena. Trenutak po geološkom vremenu, generacije po ljudskom.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>We don't need spreadsheets or a crystal ball to imagine possible futures of Istria. They are already present, latent. Not only in the surroundings, but in our own actions. No matter how small. No matter how immaterial. From thoughts to words, words to actions, actions to habits and from habits to character. From a person to a community to a culture. The process of future-making takes time. An instant in geological time, perhaps generations in human time.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Ipak, ne možemo si priuštiti luksuz čekanja da bi nove generacije napravile potrebne promjene.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Yet we do not have the luxury of waiting for the next generation to make necessary changes.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Često čujemo izraze kao "nemam sada vremena za to" ili "Nije sada pravo vrijeme, pričekajmo pa ćemo vidjeti". No, "sada" je jedino vrijeme koje u biti imamo.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>We may hear the phrase "I don't have time now" or "It's not the right time, let's wait and see". Yet "now" is the only time we have.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Utjecati na tok budućnosti može se činiti izvan našeg dosega, ali budućnost se stvara kroz milijarde istovremenih, pojedinačnih djela.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Shaping the future might sound like it's beyond your reach, but it is always created by billions of simultaneous individual actions.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Kako živite svoj život i kako se odnosite prema drugima utječe na vaše neposredno okruženje. Ne morate čak niti djelovati. Već samim tim da postojite nosi sa sobom odgovornost za širu zajednicu s kojom dijelite ovaj planet.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>How you live your life and how you relate to others influences your immediate surroundings. You don't even need to DO anything, just the mere fact that you ARE brings with it a responsibility to the wider community of beings you share this planet with.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Međutim, koliko često primjećujemo osobe koje su dio te zajednice, u ljudskom ili nekom drugom obliku? Koliko često se zaustavljamo i obraćamo pažnju na raznorazna bića pored kojih prolazimo svaki dan? Na tihog susjeda, zgaženu travu, klimav stol, ili prevruć kompjuter koji je uz nas iz dana u dan?</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>How often, though, do we take time to notice these other people, human or otherwise? How often do we stop and pay attention to the entities we pass by every day? A quiet neighbour, a trampled blade of grass, a trusted table, or a hard-working computer?</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Što bi se desilo — svaki put kad se osjećamo previse užurbrani, pretrpani ili pod stresom — ako bi zastali na par sekundi, da bi pronašli vrijeme koje postoji između dva udisaja. Bez obzira koliko smo zauzeti ili koliko novca mislimo da nam treba, takva kratka pauza ne košta gotovo ništa, a može napraviti veliku razliku.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>What if each time we felt stressed, rushed or overwhelmed, we would pause for a second or two, find the time between breaths. No matter how busy we think we might be or how much money we think we still need,  a brief pause costs almost nothing. Yet it can make all the difference.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Zaustaviti se, usporiti, pauzirati može zvučati kao luksuz, kao nešto rezervirano za godišnji odmor. Osobito u Istri gdje se turisti odmaraju dok lokalci crnče. No mi ne govorimo o ljenčarenju koje zahtijeva skupe razonode. Ono o čemu govorimo je puno pristupačnije, neposredno, možda čak i egzistencijalno. To nije luksuz, to je nužnost.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>To pause might sound like a luxury, especially in a place where tourists are looking to take a break from their hectic lives. But, this is not the kind of pause that requires expensive distractions. What we're talking about is more accesible, immediate, perhaps even existential. It is not a luxury, it's a necessity.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Ako smo uvijek zauzeti, ako se neprestano naprežemo — dok ne dođe do burn-outa, bolesti ili nečeg goreg — ne možemo biti uz one koji nas najviše trebaju. Život ide dalje, ali koliko od tog života mi zapravo doživljavamo? Koliko dragocjenog vremena trošimo izgubljeni u brizi oko neizvjesne budućnosti ili mučeći se sa stvarima koje su već davno prošle?</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>If we are always busy, constantly pushing ourselves to the point of burn out, sickness or worse, we can't be there for those who may need us most. Life keeps rolling by, yet how much of it do we actually experience? How much of our precious time do we spend lost in worries about uncertain futures or agonising over things long past?</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Kada naučimo povremeno pauzirati, možemo početi primjećivati stvari na drugačiji nacin.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>When we learn to pause occasionally, we can begin to notice things differently.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Možemo čuti kako se odvijaju mnogi isprepleteni životi. Možemo osjetiti koliko je bogata tekstura jednostavne prisutnosti. Kad počnemo primjećivati stvari koje često previđamo, možemo čuti glasove koji su inače nečujni. Poput neke guste, gotovo viskozne tišine.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>We can hear the noise of life unfolding. A thick, almost viscous silence. The rich texture of being present in the world. As we begin to notice things that we might have otherwise overlooked, we can start to hear voices that are otherwise unheard. We believe that this kind of noticing can encourage more considered, meaningful action.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Vjerujemo da nas ova vrsta uočavanja može potaknuti na bolje promišljene akcije. U ovom smislu, uočavanje postaje radikalan čin, kroz koji se djelovanje pretvara u pažnju.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Noticing, in this sense, becomes a radical act as it transforms into acts of care…</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Pažnja, skrb, utjeha. Biti s/sa, biti uz. Pomoći u nošenju sa situacijom, bez obzira kakva bila. "Biti s, ili biti sa" nekim ili nečim zahtijeva smirenu otvorenost, da bi nas radost ili tuga drugog bića uistinu dotakla. "Biti s" iziskuje suočavanje sa svojom nesposobnošću da riješimo tuđu situaciju, suočavanje sa krhkošću i prolaznosti života. Prvo mari, onda radi.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>To care, to cure, to comfort. To be with. To help cope, regardless of the situation. “Being with” involves allowing yourself to be touched by the joys and sorrows of another. Thrown off-course by the sheer rawness of the moment, by your own inability to make things better, by our fragility, impermanence and mortality. Care first, do later.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Kako bi izgledala briga za umiruću šumu? Za nezaustavljivu poplavu? Za beskrajnu migraciju ljudi i drugih životinja?</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>What does care for a dying forest look like? For an unstoppable flood? For the endless migration of humans and other animals?</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Je li vam uopće stalo? Kako se vi brinete o druguma? Gdje učite kako se brinuti?</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Do you care? How do you care? Where do you learn how to care?</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Prostor pažnje, brige i skrbi je paralelan s prostorom “problema” i “solucija”. Nalazi se ispod debelog sloja litanija, okrivljavanja i osuđivanja. Ispod društvenih sustava i ekosustava. Ispod uvjerenja i svjetonazora. Duboko, duboko ispod uobičajenih preokupacija, u prostoru gdje su riječi i svjetovi isprepleteni. Gdje mitovi i metafore rastu iz izravnog iskustva sa zamršenim odnosima. Gdje učimo kroz dodir, kroz slomljene kosti, kroz priče za laku noć.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>The space of care exists in parallel to the space of “problems” and “solutions”. Underneath the litany of blame and judgement. Beneath social systems and ecosystems. Beneath worldviews and opinions. Deep, deep down in a place where words and worlds are intertwined. Where myths and metaphors grow from the direct experience of entangled relationships. Transferred through a touch, a broken bone, a bedtime story.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Kako se brinuti za voljenu osobu kao i za eroziju tla ili za raspadajuću infrastrukturu? Kako mariti za nešto što nas može potpuno požderati? Možda su nam za tako nešto potrebne alternative kulturne vizije. Nove životne priče i priče koje će nas inspirirati na drugačiji život.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>How to care for a loved one as much as for an eroding hill or decaying infrastructure? How can you care for something able to consume you completely? Maybe in order to care across spatial and temporal scales, we need alternatives to the current cultural imaginaries. We need new stories to live by.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Šume su nam poznate kao mjesta gdje možemo cjepati drva i brati šparuge, ili ih znamo kao sjenovita utočišta tijekom dugih šetnji. Ipak, jedna šuma je više od zbroja njenih stabala i pješačkih staza. Više od zbirke biljaka, životinja i gljiva. Šuma je zajednica živih bića, sposobnih za međusobno komuniciranje i suradnju. Brojni signali prolaze svake sekunde kroz ogromne mreže korijenja i micelija. Kad bi mogli vidjeti sva ta bića kroz šumske oči, vjerojatno bi izgledala manje kao prirodni resurs, hrana ili gorivo, a više kao nezamjenjivi organi ili udovi jednog šumskog organizma.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>We might know forests as places for timber or truffles, or as a shady refuge during long hikes. Yet a forest is more than trees and hiking paths. More than a collection of plants, animals and mushrooms. These trees, insects and fungi are living, co-operating beings, capable of interspecies communication. Numerous signals passing every second through the vast networks of roots and mycelia. If we could see these beings through the eyes of a forest, they might look less like a natural resource, food or fuel and more like the organs or limbs of a single sylvan organism.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Vjerojatno mislite o sebi kao o pojedincu, ali bakterije u vašim crijevima vas poznaju kao skupinu stanica i šećera. Iz mravlje perspektive, mi smo svi ubojice i lopovi. Komarac nas vidi kao mobilni izvor hrane. Iz ljudske perspektive, stijena izgleda nepokretna. No ako stijenu gledamo kroz eone geološkog vremena, ona se ponaša kao tekućina. Istarske rijeke naizgled nestaju, mada nastavljaju teći kroz povezane tunele i pećine krškog podzemlja.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>You might think of yourself as an individual, but the bacteria in your gut know you as a collection of cells and sugars. From the perspective of an ant, we are killers and thieves. A mosquito sees us as nothing more than a mobile source of food. From a human perspective a rock seems solid, but behaves more like liquid through the aeons of geological time. A river might disappear from our view, yet continues to flow underground, in the interconnected tunnels and caverns of the karstic landscape.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Bez obzira koliko šume, stijene ili komarci nama mogu izgledati strani, nevidljivi ili nerazumljivi, kad se dovoljno usporimo da bi ih primjetili, promatrali i doista vidjeli, nešto se u našem odnosu mijenja.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>No matter how alien or incomprehensible a forest, a rock or a mosquito might seem to us, something changes in our relationship when we take time to notice them. To observe them existing with their own peculiar needs, to see them just as they are.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>U knjizi „Sablasni krajolici Antropocena” čitamo da "Živjeti u vrijeme planetarne katastrofe počinje istodobno skromnom i teškom praksom: uočiti svjetove oko nas. Možda kontraintuitivno, usporiti se da bi slušali svijet mogla bi biti naša jedina nada u trenutku globalne ekoloske krize. Hitno je da počnemo obraćati pažnju na više naših neljudskih kompanjona prije nego što ih potpuno istrijebimo."</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>In the book Haunted Landscapes of the Anthropocene, we read that "Living in a time of planetary catastrophe thus begins with a practice at once humble and difficult: noticing the worlds around us. Perhaps counterintuitively, slowing down to listen to the world—empirically and imaginatively at the same time—seems our only hope in a moment of crisis and urgency. It is urgent that we start paying attention to more of our companions before we kill them off entirely."</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Naše vrijeme u Savičenti smo posvetili upravo takvom obraćanju pažnje često previđenim bićima. Kroz zvučne i vizualne teksture pokušali smo im dati glas, u ovom vrlo ljudskom okruzenju. Slušali smo tihe dijaloge bića koja žive unutar, ispod i između buke ljudskih aktivnosti. Šuštanje lišća u zarasloj makiji i nježno podrhtavanje krila leptira. Pucketanje kamenih ograda i napuklog asfalta. Prkosni rast korova i lijeno gmizanje zmija. Biseri rose na paučinama. Glasanje cvrčaka u podnevnoj vrućini. Zov usamljenog ćuka usred noći.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Our time in Savicenta has been no more and no less than noticing the world around us and attempting to give a voice to the quiet, liminal and often overlooked beings. The many entities and phenomena that exist just below the threshold of our attention. We listened to the silent dialogues of beings living within, underneath and in-between the noise of human activities. The rustling of leaves in overgrown thickets and the gentle fluttering of butterfly wings. The crackling of stone fences and cracked asphalt. The defiant growth of thistles and the lazy slithering of snakes. Pearls of dew on spiderwebs. Crickets chirping in the midday heat. Small owls calling to each other in the middle of the night.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Spospobnost opažanja dio je ljudskog instinkta za preživljavanje. Lako je primjetiti nešto što nam neposredno privlači pozornost. Zvuk automobila, prodoran vrisak, neočekivan dodir ili bolan ujed. Svatko od nas primjećuje stvari drugačije – nešto što rezonira sa vama, može drugima proći potpuno nezapaženo. Kako obraćamo pažnju je u svakom trenutku drugacije. Pažnja se mijenja s našim raspoloženjem, tjelesnim stanjima ili životnim iskustvom. Nekad povezujemo stvari koje primjećujemo ovdje s nečim sa drugog kraja svijeta. Primjećujemo i kako se stvari razvijaju vremenom — tijekom dana, godina ili života. Neke stvari primijetimo samo kad ih više nema...</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Noticing is an innate part of our survival instincts. There is the immediate noticing of something drawing attention. A moving car, loud noise, an unexpected touch or an insect bite. Each of us notices things differently — something might resonate with one person, yet pass unnoticed by someone else. Noticing is never the same. It changes with our moods, physical states or lived experience. We might connect things we notice in one place with something from another part of the world. We often notice things as they evolve over time, days, years or lifetimes. Some things we only notice once they've gone...</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Iako postoje mnogi oblici uočavanja, svi imaju nešto zajedničko: oni zahtijevaju da budemo receptivni. Usklađeni međusobnim rezonancijama. Ganuti različitim uvjetima. Uočavanje nas uči da posmatramo situaciju kakva jest, prije bilo kakve intervencije. Kao zahvalan i brižan gost a ne agresivan kolonizator.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>While there are many forms of noticing, they all have something in common: they require us to be receptive. To attune to another being on their own terms. To be touched by different conditions. Noticing teaches us to observe before interacting. To be with a situation as it is, before finding appropriate ways to intervene, or not. As a caring and grateful guest, rather than an aggressive coloniser.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Iznad svega, umijeće primijećivanja može nas naučiti kako da svako toliko obuzdamo naše neprestano umovanje i taktiziranje. Kako da pronađemo tišinu tamo gdje je najpotrebnija — usred stresnog dana, u dubini tuge ili metežu sukoba.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Above all, the art of noticing can teach us to subdue our incessant thinking. To create stillness where it is most needed, in the middle of a stressful day, in the depths of grief or in the turmoil of conflict.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Neka ovo današnje okupljanje bude naša mala kolektivna gesta otpora protiv komodifikacije vremena i pažnje. Naš poziv da između vremena raskomadanog satovima i obavezama, pronađemo i neko drugo, neprekidno vrijeme. Vrijeme u kojem imamo vremena za ponovno povezivanje s onima koji nas okružuju. Bilo da li su ljudska bića ili ne. Vidljiva ili nevidljiva, čujna ili nečujna.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>So let this gathering today be our small collective gesture of resistance against the commodifying of our time and attention. Amidst the clock-time of business hours, of flight times and instant messages, let us find time to re-connect with those surrounding us. People, whether human or otherwise. Animate matter, whether visible or invisible to human eyes, audible or unheard with human ears.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>U ovih posljednjih nekoliko minuta, dozvolimo si da uistinu budemo prisutni samo ovdje, u tišini...</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>In these last few minutes, let's take some time to be right here, with all of these beings made of matter, in silence...</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Prisjetite se da se ovaj trenutak više nikada neće ponoviti. Niti ovaj, ili ovaj...</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Notice that this moment will never happen again. Nor this one, or this one...</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Osoba pored vas nikada neće biti ista kao u ovom trenutku.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>The person next to you will never be the same as they are in this moment.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Kamen ispod vaših nogu će postepeno erodirati u prah.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>The stone under your feet will eventually erode into dust.</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Povjetarac koji vas večeras hladi neminovno nestaje ...</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>The breeze that cools your skin is continuously disappearing...</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>Imamo samo nekoliko kratkih desetljeća na zemlji, ili čak samo ovaj trenutak, da bi zahvalno uživali u životu. Kako nas uči kraški krajolik Istre, a pjesnik Rumi nas podsjeća: "Budi kao tlo. Smrvi se, da bi se divlje cvijeće pojavilo ondje gdje si ti."</col>
 +<col md="6"><html><br>&nbsp;<br></html>All we have are a few short decades on this Earth, or just this moment, to appreciate being alive. So, as the karstic landscape of Istria teaches us and the words of Rumi remind us, "Be Ground, Be crumbled, so wildflowers will come up where you are."</col>
 {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/48113638373/}}\\ {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/48113638373/}}\\
  • the_overlooked_and_the_unheard.txt
  • Last modified: 2023-05-08 12:00
  • by nik