"The future will always be more messy than we imagine." --Jamais Cascio
"The future will always be more messy than we imagine." -- Jamais Cascio
Future Preparedness explores how to prototype a range of possible futures and experience them as real, physical situations. By immersing ourselves in these situations, that we call future 'prehearsals' or 'pre-enactments', we cultivate mindsets and behaviours that can help us adapt to diverse and unpredictable futures. This case study builds on futurist scenario planning and ancient meditation practices, as well as age-old sideshows, anachronistic re-enactments and contemporary disaster drills. We sketch our future lives as improvised, participatory experiences and test them in a number of near future scenarios.
Future Preparedness explores how to prototype a range of possible futures and experience them as real, physical situations. By immersing ourselves in these future "prehearsals" or "pre-enactments" we cultivate mindsets and behaviours that can help us adapt to diverse and unpredictable futures. This case study builds on scenario building and ancient meditation practices, as well as age-old sideshows, anachronistic re-enactments and contemporary disaster drills. We sketch our future lives as improvised, participatory experiences and test them in a number of near future scenarios.
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The Resilients and their activities informing the Future Preparedness case study:
=== The Resilients and their activities informing the Future Preparedness case study: ===
* [[future_prehearsals|Experiments for Home Futurists]]: FoAM's fieldwork on scenario planning and future prehearsals
* [[future_prehearsals|Experiments for Home Futurists]]: FoAM's fieldwork on scenario planning and future prehearsals
* [[artists_in_transience|Transiency of a Contemporary Journeyman]]: Dougald Hine on a quest for resilience as the Resilients' "artist in transience"
* Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney reflect on FoAM's own future preparedness experiments in [[Prehearsing the Future]], and summarise the recipe they devised in the [[Prehearsal Pocket Guide]]
* [[transgenerational_residency]]: The Simpsons (Mark, Leah, Scarlet and Delilah) as a "Family in Residence" where FoAM in Brussels transforms from a cultural laboratory to a 21st century clan, celebrating the first [[http://fo.am/rbd/|Rocket Boat Day]]
* From personal to [[cultural resilience]], an article by Nik & Maja for the Washington Post
* Collective Introspection in [[naikan|the Naikan Retreat]]: Helga Hartl assisted by Christina Stadlbauer conduct a silent retreat at the FoAM studio, investigating the effect of the [[naikan]] practice on collaboration and communication in the working environment
* [[scenario symphony|Composing a Scenario Symphony]] with Anna Maria Orru and David Relan: exploring future scenario building through the [[temporal model]] and [[from pan to panarchy|panarchy]]
* Science, crafts and emerging technologies in [[::mathematickal_arts_2011|Mathematickal Arts Workshop]]: Carole Collet and Tim Boykett bring together disparate disciplines - mathematics, textile design and tangible programming - to explore whether borrowing from each other's fields can increase their resilience.
* [[artists_in_transience|Transiency of a Contemporary Journeyman]]: Dougald Hine's quest for resilience as "artist in transience"
* [[resilients_salons]]: a series of conversations about topics related to cultural resilience
* [[transgenerational residency|Family in Residence]]: The Simpsons (Mark, Leah, Scarlet and Delilah) transform FoAM Brussels from a cultural laboratory into a 21st century clan -- and also celebrate the first [[http://fo.am/rbd/|Rocket Boat Day]]
* [[debrouillardise_et_coquetterie|Resilients Apprentice]]: Anthropologist Coralie Stalberg's in a creative apprenticeship investigating the resilience of re-use and repair techniques in war-time clothing.
* Collective Introspection in the [[naikan|Naikan retreat]]: Helga Hartl assisted by Christina Stadlbauer conducts a silent retreat at the FoAM studio, investigating the effect of [[naikan_as_resilient_practice|Naikan practice]] on collaboration and communication in a working environment
* Science, crafts and emerging technologies in the [[:mathematickal_arts_2011|Mathematickal Arts]] workshop: Carole Collet and Tim Boykett bring together disparate disciplines - mathematics, textile design and tangible programming - to explore how borrowing from one another's fields can increase their resilience
* [[Resilients Salons]]: a series of conversations about topics related to cultural resilience, hosted by notable speakers and thinkers from a variety of backgrounds
=== Instructions, reviews and overviews ===
* Anthropologist Coralie Stalberg's [[debrouillardise_et_coquetterie|Débrouillardise et Coquetterie]]: investigating DIY textile practices and associated recycling strategies during World War II