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-==== a week of wandering across Southern Europe's lost and forgotten roads ==== 
-2012-07-22 17:02:38 by  shelbatra jashari 
-The Peregrini produced quite an effort in getting a more than 1000 km journey on bike in 3 weeks time from Poland to Croatia. Their trip provides for images and thoughts for a different path, away from traditional and established forms of travel.  
-After a well merited rest in the Czech countryside, the group gets on the bikes again and continues to roam the line. The road is long and difficult, taking them along ups and downs in the Central  and Southern European landscape full of saints and renegades. Solar chapels keep them company along this trip.  Keep following this unique journey here: 
-  * On the road again > http://performingpictures.se/node/137 
-  * fifth solar chapel > http://performingpictures.se/node/138 
-  * peregrini > http://performingpictures.se/node/139 
-  * slovenia > http://performingpictures.se/node/140 
-  * forest_mounatins > http://performingpictures.se/node/141 
-  * Adio Dežela > http://performingpictures.se/node/142 
-  * A day in Gorski Kotar > http://performingpictures.se/node/143 
-  * various Artists > http://www.various-artists.be/ 
-  * nadine end of fold > http://nadine.be/ 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Peregrini - invitation to our pedal-powered travelogue  ==== 
-2012-07-22 17:39:46 by  shelbatra jashari 
-Peregrini's share their travel impressions : OLD STAIRWAYS IN VAROŠ**, RAB OLD CITY 24/07 AT 21.00 
-The Peregrini Cycling Crew are a group of artistcollectors traveling by bike along a straight line from Koszalin, Poland to Rab, Croatia in July 2012. The line is a rule, a limitation, it defines the territory the Peregrini can use in their journey, not going from one point of interest to another but exploring and documenting the in-between. The journey is a mobile studio; a mode of creative low power travel. Peregrini explore cultural pluralism and socioregional diversity by traveling, leaving a trace of impressions. The Peregini will be collecting experiences and celebrate forgotten modes of intentional travel. Wandering towards meaningful coincidences leaving traces to mark our journey. For the Peregrini the travel is as important as reaching the goal. They engage with people they meet on the road, capturing their stories, drawing on the disciplines of visual anthropology and storytelling. A series of proof-of-concepts will be produced along the fold to empower cultural practices. By choosing Croatia as a final destination, the journey is also a welcoming act by the Europeanartists in the Peregrini crew. The final destination, Rab city, holds the saint of travellers, Sveti Kristofer, as a patron saint - making it a very suitable point of arrival. During preparations for the bike trip on Rab in September 2011, a site specific kinetic solar chapel was built in honour of Sveti Kristofer, featuring a stop motion film installation. 
-You can follow the trip and read more at [[http://performingpictures.se/node/127]]  
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Peregrini - Being on the Fold ==== 
-2012-07-25 10:50:46 by  Monique Alvarez 
-Peregrini expedition diary on nadine.be 
-Follow the Peregrini on their 22 days of cycling from Poland to Croatia. 
-Day 1: Mon 2/7 
-Leaving from Brussels early in the morning. In Schiphol we change to Berlin, a very cosy train where we'll spend 6 hours in the restaurant wagon. Theun get's in at Hilversum, and there we are: Brussels and Amsterdam Peregrini on the move! In Berlin we change to Angermunde and from there it goes to Szscezin, the unpronounceable city in Poland where we buy our bikes in the morning. 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== iApps workshop ==== 
-2012-07-26 13:20:02 by  Monique Alvarez 
-From 17 to 23 October nadine organizes a workshop iApp building for artists where the participants learn to develop mobile applications on iOS platform. 
-The focus will lie on the creative and artistic use of mobile applications. The first two days Yannick Berthier will give a basic workshop on programming applications.The following days the artistic possibilities will be explored together with artist Robert Brecevic from Performing Pictures and participants will get to make their own applications. The workshop will take place at PAF, St Erme, France http://www.pa-f.net/ To enroll, please send a motivated email to loes at nadine.be 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Unmanned RT phase 01 - Notes from the Wild. ==== 
-2012-08-25 07:59:32 by  Theun Karelse 
- Zapiski_iz_Divjine 
-Through the sweltering heat, over the mountain tops and throught the forgotten valleys a team of Hikers moves along powered only by aromatic herbs and the thrill of exploration, to touch,taste and smell the landscape we will be seeing from Unmanned Vehicles, if we make it through this hike... 
-The Sun is scorching the Slovenian landscape around Marko Peljhan's idilic mountain retreat into a crispy herbal wafer. These hills are experiencing the worst drought for decades. Along the roads plants are covered by a thick layer of grey dust.  There is a big cloud of dust behind the landrover that is transporting some of the Resilients. This is a potato safari. The potato field owned by the grandfather of our amazing cook Micha is clearly impacted by the weather. This will be our last supper before the hike. One last night in a tent.  In the morning before the Sun does it's worst, a gentle, rather tall figure appears from the woods. Our guide for the hike Dario Cortese energizes the Resilients team with some Kombucha and Absinth drinks. We proceed into the forest, up to the edge of the cliffs stopping in the most unexpected places to admire local wild edible plants. Dario is a walking encyclopedia sharing a deep knowledge of the countryside with a mixture of English, Slovenian and Latin botanic language occasionally intertwined with historic perspectives by Marko. What an excellent way to become familiar with a new place!  The first day of the Hike leads us into a spectacular national park. Guided by Dario and his intoxicating 'stomach medicines' we proceed deeper and deeper into the forest. By nightfall we find ourselves by a ruined loggers house having a light dinner with potent aromatic herbs that have been charged and condensed by months of blistering sunshine. Sleeping-bags are prepared in the last rays of light. The sunset is amazing, the stars even more so. As we float on a few centimeters of foam in our hiking mattresses, high above us the International Space Station passes, as the nebulous Milky-way reveals itself in all it's glory.  In the dark of night from the hills surrounding our base-camp an awful cry breaks our light sleep. Moving through the woods something is galloping with awesome power. The creature announces itself barking away like a mad dog. Our brave Resilients lie frozen in their sleeping-bags. Why don't these bags have legs so we could run?! Zipped up to our chins, will we be helplessly dragged away into the forest like a conveniently wrapped evening snack?! What is this abomination? To our great relief the beast continues it's journey along the hills to our left to disappear into the night.  The next morning coffee serves as a portal back to reality. In the morning light things seem so much calmer again. The creature that roamed through the night is apparently a male dear! Dario is very amused by our stories from the midnight encounter. We set off relentlessly going further into the wild. This second day of the hike leads us up to dizzying heights into the mountains. The meadows dominated by Wild Carrot and Parsnip have given way to Beech forests with Raspberry that energize empty stomachs and a mountaintop with a telecommunications mast harboring Atropa Bella Donna at its base. Deep under these  dry mountains a lake of water resides, the limestone rocks cover narrow tunnels going down in to the deep. The team however continues to climb up until a meadow is reached where we will spend the night. Under the Pine-trees we spend our second night after a meal of ever more potent aromatic herbs. 
-**Dario leading the climb, image by Shelly.**  
-The Resilients team wakes up by the sound of what must be a weird local hunter singing like a madman. It turns out however to be our guide Dario. Not all of the team appear to be in great shape. The Absinth 'stomach medicine' has taken it's toll on our Tanzanian fellow explorer. By 'calling some deers' as it is know locally, he clears his body of the spirits that haunt his bowels. The energy however is drained from his body, but he will continue with us up to the very mountain tops. The hike is turning into quite an epic endeavor. Placing feet, grabbing rocks and winding up the narrow paths we climb to the highest ridges. The landscape is unbelievable, like a scene from Lord of the Rings. From the peaks the Resilients oversee their entire journey; from the meadows close to the ridge, to the forgotten valley where we swam in the crystal clear waters. But our stomachs do not let us rest. Rumors have spread of a mountain hut with food down the other side of Viper Mountain. The famished team feasts on strudel and beer. We continue down past the raspberry fields in the forest to make our camp for the night as we re-enter civilization at Caven.  Dario our eccentric but excellent guide has lead us through the hike. We have seen, touched, smelled and tasted this area now. We have learned to recognize many of its plants. We are now ready to continue. We are ready for phase 02 of the Unmanned Rt. 
-[[:resilients/how_to_eat_wild|Dario's handout]] on Wild Food's Wide Perspectives, Dario's handout accompanying the hike. 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Resilient Travel - from Biking to Hiking ==== 
-2012-08-28 11:58:04 by Theun Karelse 
-This summer the Resilients have been exploring the European continent in various ways in various areas. Some of these expeditions have been undertaken by groups; the Peregrini / Pollinator bikers through Central Europe and the Unmanned Resilience hikers through Slovenia. What can be learned by overlaying the two experiences? I propose the use of UAV-mission-planning vocabulary for this analysis and for designing future resilient modes of travel. 
-This summer the Resilients have been exploring the European continent in various ways in various areas. Some of these expeditions have been undertaken by groups; the Peregrini / Pollinator bikers through Central Europe and the Unmanned Resilience hikers through Slovenia. What can be learned by overlaying the two experiences? I propose the use of UAV-mission-planning vocabulary for this analysis and for designing future resilient modes of travel. 
-  * Take-off-Point: after preparations (coffee) the mission starts from this point 
-  * Rally-Point: final destination to reassemble the group and decide on base camp 
-  * Loiter: (waiting)point to reassemble the group for required navigation or food 
-  * Waypoint: points used for navigation along the trail 
-  * Fail-Safe: general ways of resolving unexpected events or failures. If... fails, do... 
-**Generally comparing biking and hiking:** The strain on the body, the amount of food and supplies needed were quite similar for both journeys. The experience of the landscape is somewhat more intimate on foot, but more can be explored on bike. Basically you always have sore legs, but on the bike your ass hurts too. Depending on the area cyclists are more flexible in finding food sources, supplies and shelter due to their wider radius of operation. Also heat is less of a factor for cyclists. 
-**Preparation:**  Try and stay lightweight. As a participant in both expeditions generally the preparations were very similar; bring essential clothing only, but for a range of weather conditions, very basic utensils (cup, knife, spoon,ear-plugs,sun-cream), tent and sleeping gear. Obviously shoes are less important on bikes, but cyclists need some tools for repairs. 
-**Navigation:**  During both missions navigation played a very prominent role. A daily mission would be planned setting a take-off-point and often several options for rally-points and loiters (for lunches, swimming, final destination, etc). In both cases setting a daily route would fall back to only a couple of individuals in the group. This turns out in both cases to greatly impact group-resilience. (See Fail-Safes below.) For the Peregrini bikers a trail had to be planned along the fold using place-names as crude waypoints. The Slovenian hikers would follow existing marked paths as waypoints, which were much more frequent which greatly reduces errors. Group travel includes many instances of loitering, more so for the cyclists, because at many cross-roads the group needed re-navigating and because of the many available places for taking food supplies (village-shops). For the hiking group loitering only occurred at points where existing markings failed of for taking food supplies (Dario's wild food finds). 
-**Group structure:**  It's quite clear that traveling as a single group is easier on foot than on cycles where differences in speed are increased by the introduction of gears. Traveling in mountainous terrain these differences become expressed even more, both on foot and bike. This can reduce the resilience of the group when some travelers fall behind; those who struggle can be found in the back. In case of any additional misfortune this can result in a lack of support. 
-**Carrying capacity:**  In the case of the cycling group along the fold everything was carried by the travelers and only redistribution of materials was an option. For group on foot a jeep was in place as a fail-safe which could carry some equipment. 
-**Navigation:**  The hikers relied on a marked trail and familiarity with the area, but the cyclists relied on GPS-apps, maps, place names and mobile phones as fail-safes for navigation errors. The level of failure was a prominent frustration to the process of reaching the rally-points along the fold. 
-**Accidents and break-downs:**  In both groups keeping track of those traveling at the back of the group was an issue. Unfortunately accidents have happened where little back-up was available and mobile-phone connections failed. From the tough lessons learned along the fold by the cyclists, the hikers in Slovenia integrated a fail-safe by keeping a small group at the end, especially when a traveller was struggling or even ill. Also the jeep served as a back-up but due to the success of our fail-safe this wasn't needed. 
-**For resilient travel a fail-safe system could be:** detailed info for the trail including editable take-off-point, way-points, loiters and rally-points distributed by an independent mode of communication (mesh-network) accessible to all group members, perhaps even enabled by a convoi-ing UAV. 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Tasty Resilience ==== 
-2012-08-30 20:43:22 by Theun Karelse 
-From 15 to 24.8.12 I've found myself among the unmanned and resilient, human- and non-human sensors for testing and tasting the natural and social environment at the western part of Slovenia -- mmm.. that was yummy, even during the hike-days when 'My strudel has been burned already..' became the cry of the day. Look what we've found on the way as an alternative energy sources (well-well, at the beginning.. as a supplements to something more 'real';) 
-Wild Carrot, image by Natalia 
-From 15 to 24.8.12 I've found myself among the unmanned and resilient, human- and non-human sensors for testing and tasting the natural and social environment at the western part of Slovenia -- mmm.. that was yummy, even during the hike-days when 'My strudel has been burned already..' became the cry of the day. Look what we've found on the way as an alternative energy sources (well-well, at the beginning.. as a supplements to something more 'real';) 
-See **Natalia**'s very comprehensive summary of many plants encountered during the Unmanned RT hike [[http://aa-vv.org/node/157|on her site]].** 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Unmanned mission to the realms of Mountain Goats ==== 
-2012-09-11 12:17:55 by  Theun Karelse 
-The Unmanned RT and C-Astral team set out on the hunt for Wild Goats and Raspberry. 
-View from the launch point for the mission, image by Shelly. 
-After days of arduous hiking through the valleys and over the mountain ridges of the Slovenian plateau, the Unmanned RT team has safely arrived at Sinji Vrh base camp. The famished travelers are treated to a wonderful meal of Wild Mountain Goat prepared by our host Hieronim and his family. 
-Now the next stage of the Unmanned Resilience workshop can start in earnest; the Unmanned Remote Sensing. The team-members now intimately familiar with the landscape, are invited to suggest possible missions with the Bramor UAV. Quite a varied cluster of ideas emerge, including: 
-  * mapping the remains of the hidden clandestine WW2 forest army hospitals 
-  * mapping Roman archaeological remains 
-  * mapping ticks in meadows (would need low altitude quadrocopter and extremely highres lens) 
-  * mapping underground water-streams and lakes 
-  * a dragonline mission, mapping pyramidal structures and patterns in the forests 
-  * a mountain bear mission (or is that mountain bar mission) 
-In the end it's our culinary experiences with the landscape that help to make a choice: the Bramor will be programmed for a dual-mission to discover the fields of forest Raspberries we've encountered and to explore the realms of the mysterious Slovenian Wild Mountain Goats. The stomach is our compass. 
-A trail of cars leaves base camp heading for the area we crossed on the last day of the hike. This leads us to the slopes of the last mountain from which we descended to the edge of the plateau.  In the forest on the mountain are the fields of Raspberries we feasted on and the ragged stone cliffs at the base off the mountain are the territory only the elusive goats can travel.  The C-Astral team prepare the Bramor catapult and it elegantly launches the UAV device that quickly disappears from view. It will now travel where we cannot. It will be our eyes exploring inhospitable places and forests baking away in the summer sun. We can only wait; catching a glimpse now and then of its outline against the sky or a hint of its engine snoring.   In the valley below an airplane takes off. This is bad news. Will it enter the flight path of our mission? Marco and Samo decide the Raspberry stage of our mission has to be dropped. The Bramor will be flying out-off our line of sight. For safety we have to cancel the flight over the mountain forest. The UAV is brought back and parachutes-in safely on the meadow. 
-The team returns back at base camp. Here the analysis of the images captured during the flight can be started. Will we spot the Mountain Goat in it's natural environment? Each team member gets a selection of images and quickly engages the digital hunt. What excellent resolution! This gives a whole new perspective on the area. Individual trees can be spotted, shadows cast by rocks, or is it a goat! The search gets ever more intense, eyes look over images with feverish haste. Is it a goat we see? Was that shape in the original image or was it photoshopped in by a mischievous team-member? The details remain inconclusive, but at least one group is found, resting on the slopes of the mountain. It is us. It's the team waiting for the Bramor to return, found in image P1010694 in the top left corner. At least we spotted some wild mammals.. 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== NonGreenGardening Harvest ==== 
- nongreengardening-harvest 
-2012-09-25 12:51:58 by  Monique Alvarez 
-In 2011 we made an open call for finding interesting concepts for our Augmented Urban Garden. It was Natalia Borissovas Non-Green-Gardening project which was the most appealing one. Within the last months she was regularly onsite - developing and improving her concept of a Non-Green Garden at the Time's Up Labs. Together with Natalia and Dismas Leonard we are still maintaining a hybrid - green / nongreen-garden. Pros- and Cons of such a project in urban areas will be discussed during the event on 21st of October between 2 and 5PM. Apart from a presentation of the Augmented Urban garden and its background of the Resilients project, some anecdotes regarding our battles with slugs and other less welcome guests in our garden as well as some rave about delicious mushroom-dishes which have delighted our menu, await you. And - if we are lucky there is still a chance to enjoy some fruits the garden entails. Non Green Gardening / Augmented Urban Garden is part of Resilients. A project which is made possible with the support  of the Culture programme of the European Union, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture, Kulturland Oberösterreich and the City of Linz. Resilients fosters cultural resilience by blending diverse European traditions with emerging arts & technologies, strengthened through intercultural exchange of people, ideas & works. Resilients are cultural workers of all ages preparing for uncertain futures by studying & experimenting with new models of living & working as a form of artistic practice. 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Buratinas Taxi Service ==== 
-2012-09-26 11:35:23 by  Pieter De Wel 
-Sailing down the canal in the silence of a solar-powered boat wasn't something to shout about, I thought, preparing for a quiet day at Festival Kanal and trusting that the ever-so-slow rhythm of the ride would inadvertently impose a state of "still-being" on our hopefully receptive passengers.  
-I was wrong about that. Not the state of still-being, not the effect of the slow and gentle rhythm on our passengers - all that worked out fine. What surprised me was that this meditative boat ride would become the focus of sustained yelling and shouting on all sides. Bystanders on the canal's edge needed to impress surrounding pedestrians with catcalls directed at those quietly sitting in the boat, usurping the light and silence of the open catacomb that is the canal.  
-Wonderful to see that one can scream and shout invitations to 'Come and slow down! Be still!'... 
-Wonderful that we don't have a 'Rough Guide' to urban communication. I went through a learning curve on those placid waters between the Kaai and the Porte de Ninove. We can believe all we like that slowing down will result in an introspective reverie of lost silence - but nothing was further from the truth in what I found on the waters that Sunday.  
-Our passengers were overwhelmed by the beauty of the city centre's inner belly. They were ecstatic to have found places they never knew existed, and people began spontaneously relating stories. The silence was not therapeutic: it was an elixir that stimulated the rediscovery of lost images from the depths of that forgotten and sometimes stinking artery of the city.  
-Yet to be fair, it wasn't all yelling and catcalls; some people just sat staring at the water as if seeing the canal for the first time in their lives; sitting still and gazing at the stone walls, the towering edges of the city looming above them. The Taxi Service might have been a fantom journey, but there were no clouds or disappearing tricks, no funtoosh! and kablooiee! - it was just people sitting and doing nothing.  
-Buratinas did surprise and confront, unearth and flush down. A trip trough town reinvented by the sun.  
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== CoC vessel Subak goes to Wallifornia ==== 
-2012-09-29 14:14:19 by Tim Boykett 
-The [[http://coc.timesup.org|Control of the Commons]]was a travelling waterways research project implemented on the Danube and the canals of Belgium. The vessel Subak, constructed from discarded parts with a coffee tanned junk rig sail and named after a Balinese water management practice, will be part of a new Mana Depauw and Cathy Weyders theater piece. [[http://www.margaritaproduction.be/project/la-wallifornie|Wallifornia]] investigates a future world where the lower parts of Belgium succumb to climate change and the inhabitants flee to the land of milk and honey, Wallifornia. 
-In a previous life, Subak was an adventurous river boat. 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Unmanned Resilients videos ==== 
- unmanned-resilients-vids 
-Here is a collection of videos, documenting a series of Unmanned Resilience workshops, the SINUNI residency and the mountan hike & wild food discovering that all took place on Gora Plateau in August 2012. And we are now also adding the local TV show about our UR activities. 
-2012-10-01 11:36:35 by  Uros Veber 
-Here is a collection of videos, the documenting a series of Unmanned Resilience activities on Gora Plateau in August 2012. 
-<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/63883122" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe> 
-<a href="http://vimeo.com/63883122">UNMANNED RESILIENCE UAS BRAMOR TESTS</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>. 
-<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/63673688" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe> 
-<a href="http://vimeo.com/63673688">RESILIENTS WORKSHOP</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>. 
-<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/63673687" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe> 
-<a href="http://vimeo.com/63673687">RESILIENTS MOUNTAIN CLIMB / HIKE SHORT VID</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>. 
-We are happy now to finally be able to upload the full show on Unmanned Resilience activities. The show is being played on local TV station as part od Sodobna Umetnost (Contemporary Art) TV series on rotating basis every month. Unfortunately it is all in Slovene and we were also asked to keep it password protected 
-But here is the pass: resilients 
-Sodobna Umetnost - Unmanned Resilients 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Non Green Gardening 2012 ==== 
-2012-10-02 15:07:22 by  Monique Alvarez 
-NON (GREEN) GARDENING or (edible) mushrooms 
-'I am... a mushroom on whom the dew of heaven drops now and then 'John Ford, The Broken Heart (1633).    And who said: 'Life is too short to stuff a mushroom'??? 
-"Non-Green Gardening" is the selected project out of the Time's Up **[[http://timesup.org/content/open-call-gardener-and-machinist-residence|Open Call for Gardener and Machinist in Residence]]**, applied by **[[http://timesup.org/GMiR-NataliaBorrisova|Natalia Borissova]]**. The project is part of the pan-European project Resilients and >Augmented Urban Gardens. 
-Non Green Gardening is the series of living-lab experiments with mushroom cultivation through research, curiosity and practical experience, involving some technological elements and based on bio-remediation /conversion of locally available raw organic by-products from households, gardens, farms, forests and agriculture into the brain/soul/soil-consciousness sustenance. 
-Throughout a time-period of six month, Natalia Borissove will be on-site at the harbourside laboratories for at least three times to follow the fungal kingdom's eternal process of turning death into life, toxins into food and unstable into sustainable. Her current interests within her presence at Time's Up are lined out as followed: 
-Teaming up mushrooms (mycelium) with plants (roots) into the Myco-eco-system, where plants provide oxygen to the mushrooms and mushrooms make carbon dioxide for the plants in return. They are also plant-protective (some species actively kill virus's, nematodes, insects, etc). Which kind of greens to plant in relation to which mushrooms, where, how, types of substrates, etc. - to find out, observe during the project in co-relation. 
-  *  Starting the Myco-bed culture. 
-  *  Starting the Myco-log culture. 
-  *  Testing some unconventional conditions and (organic) fertilizers for better fruiting/growing (giant). 
-  *  Making a mini Myco-eco-system by grow mushrooms mixed with some plants in the aquarium-like container for the better observation/documentation and experimentation with light, humidity, temperature in connection to environmental sensors for mushroom-data cultivation and harvesting. 
-  *  Some sterile experiments (more lab-related) such as growing of the mycelium on Agar in Petri Dishes spore-/less from newly cultivated and/or distinctive edible wild mushrooms. 
-  *  Microscopic observations and documentation of the mycelium could be a very spectacular natural performance. 
-  *  Testing mushroom-potential as a remediative tool. 
-See images of the progress and results 
-[[http://aa-vv.org/node/147|Follow the process on Natalia Borrisova's page]] 
-[[:resilients/non-green-gardening|Notes recording Natalia's residences]] 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== CoC - Trip 01 / Murray River -  01.02.2012 - 21.02.2012 ==== 
-2012-10-02 15:20:09 by  Monique Alvarez 
-Control of Commons (CoC), a project by Time's Up with a load of partners aims to undertake an artistic exploration of the relationship of people to water and the way that effects travel along watercourses, by making a series of trips along several watercourses in Europe and Australia. 
-The first journey along a river is accomplished. 7% of the river's total in 3 weeks! For more written documentation about this trip along parts of the Murray River in Australia look up http://coc.timesup.org 
-See images of the trip on the Time's Up Flickr page 
-[[http://timesupboatingassociation.wordpress.com/2012/02/|Read the travel blog on the TUBA website]] 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== CoC - Trip 02 / Danube -  31.03.2012 ==== 
-2012-10-02 15:32:29 by  Monique Alvarez 
-**Exploring parts of the Danube / collecting stories along the river ** 
-The second journey of Control of Commons (CoC), undertook an artistic exploration of the relationship of people to water and the way that effects travel along watercourses exploring a section of the Danube. 
-See images of this trip on the Time's Up Flickr page 
-[[http://timesupboatingassociation.wordpress.com/2012/04/|Read the travel blog on the TUBA website]] 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== CoC - Trip 03 / Belgium Canals - 23.05.2012 - 01.06.2012 ==== 
-2012-10-02 15:48:42 by  Monique Alvarez 
-The third trip of the CoC - Project on the Belgian Canals   
-This was our last journey within the Control of Commons. Which led us up and down rivers and canals to Brussels. We left from just inside the French border, to get the full experience of a border crossing. 
-More days of travelling and interviewing people living, working, relaxing along the watercourse we will sail, paddle and drift along. 
-See images of this trip 
-[[http://timesupboatingassociation.wordpress.com/2012/04/|Read the travel blog on the TUBA website]] 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== CoC - Talk Port Adelaide ==== 
-2012-10-02 15:59:57 by  Monique Alvarez 
-**Come and hear about the CoC journey on the Murray River ** 
-After 3 weeks travelling down the Murray, talking to a wide variety of people along the river, we return to Port Adelaide in order to talk about some of our experiences. This talk will outline our motivations for the project, building from our work with resilience, recycling and stories, then talk about the building, the journey and some of the many stories we have heard over this time. 6pm-8pm 
-See more details 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
 ==== Sensing Resilience Workshop ==== ==== Sensing Resilience Workshop ====
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 [[archive|Blog Archive]] [[archive|Blog Archive]]
-==== CoC - Workshop 01 ==== 
-2012-10-04 11:40:21 by  Monique Alvarez 
-<a title="CoC - Workshop01 - Hoist the Junk Rig by Times Up Linz, on Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/6058740444/">{{http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6076/6058740444_5d08c7cfe7.jpg" alt="CoC - Workshop01 - Hoist the Junk Rig" width="500" height="335" /></a> 
-**Build your own boat - as simple and sustainable as possible** 
-Before we can start our explorations of our relationships to water and our relationships along and across watercourses we have to investigate the necessary technologies. 
-Within this first workshop we concentrate on the construction and restoration of vessels - built with recycled materials found around our environment in the harbour of Linz and the reassembling of existing craft which no one wants to use anymore. 
-**[[>http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/sets/72157627468088800/" target="_newtab">See images of this workshop 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== CoC - Workshop 02 ==== 
- coc-workshop-02 
-<a title="COC - Workshop 02 by Times Up Linz, on Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/6242230744/">{{http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6100/6242230744_664101fd1c.jpg" alt="COC - Workshop 02" width="500" height="333" /></a> 
-**Ways to propel your boats with wind and muscle power** 
-2012-10-04 11:43:26 by  Monique Alvarez 
-Since our last workshop we have a vessel, now we want to get around, with the carbon footprint of the wind and what we had for breakfast. This workshop investigated the possibilities for poling, sailing, rowing, paddling, pedalling, sculling, towing and drifting using a range of techniques from around the world. 
-**[[>http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/sets/72157627763606265/" target="_newtab">See images of this workshop 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Kanal Labs: Triangulated  ==== 
- kanal-labs-triangulated 
-<a title="006 von _foam bei Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/5054690080/">{{http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4152/5054690080_e2fd1ca4ee.jpg" alt="006" width="500" height="375" /></a> 
-2012-10-04 12:00:44 by  Monique Alvarez 
-As a part of "Kanal Labs triangulated"; FoAM and Urbanibalism served a range of detoxifying bites, especially crafted to eliminate toxins and pollutants from the human bodily ecology. 
-**[[>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/sets/72157625101386930/" target="_newtab">See images of this event 
-**<a href="http://fo.am/kanal_labs/" target="_newtab">Find out more 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Splinterfields: Mathematickal Arts ==== 
-2012-10-04 12:13:30 by  Monique Alvarez 
-Impressions from the Mathematickal Arts workshop at FoAM in Brussels, 23-25 July  
-The workshop explored the question whether combining mathematics and textile design can make both 'crafts' more resilient, and help us understand the basics behind contemporary programming. 
-See images of this event</a> 
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-==== Rocket Boat Day #1 ==== +
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- rocket-boat-day-1 +
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-Rocketboat Day promised a blend of backyard naval architecture and rocket science. +
- +
-<a title="L1008467 von _foam bei Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/5915138960/">{{http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5240/5915138960_b79f1031da.jpg" alt="L1008467" width="500" height="333" /></a> +
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-2012-10-04 13:18:04 by  Monique Alvarez +
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-  Rocketboat Day 1 is a participatory event where people build little boats, power them with rocket engines and race them to see which one gets the furthest. The inaugural event took place on a nice, calm bit of water somewhere on the Brussels to Charleroi kanal. Let's find out what happens when a C6 model rocket engine is attached to a boat made out of anything you can get your hands on. The cool breeze off the water will blow the sweet acrid smoke across your face like a lovers caress.    <a href="http://fo.am/rbd" rel="nofollow">fo.am/rbd</a>    Rocketboat Day is an evolution of the established tradition of Rocketcar Day. See the last one at <a href="http://rcd12.rocketcarday.com" rel="nofollow">rcd12.rocketcarday.com</a> +
- +
-**[[>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/sets/72157627144769728/]] +
-See images of this event +
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-[[archive|Blog Archive]] +
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-==== Subak in Brussels ==== +
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-2012-10-04 13:24:06 by  Monique Alvarez +
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-[[>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/7165664515/]] +
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-{{http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7227/7165664515_43a3974eb6.jpg}} +
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-CoC Boat "Subak" arrives in Brussels! +
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-[[>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/sets/72157630016977713/with/7165681969/]] +
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-images of this event +
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-[[archive|Blog Archive]] +
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-==== NonGreenGardening Harvest ==== 
- nongreengardening-harvest 
-<a title="NGG Progress Inside Object02_1206_10_012 von Times Up Linz bei Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/7409501032/">{{http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8163/7409501032_15a6ba166d.jpg" alt="NGG Progress Inside Object02_1206_10_012" width="500" height="335" /></a> 
-2012-10-18 14:38:59 by  Monique Alvarez 
-**NonGreenGardening results and anecdotes** 
-In 2011 we made an open call for finding interesting concepts for our Augmented Urban Garden. It was Natalia Borissova's Non-Green-Gardening project which was the most appealing one. Within the last months she was regularly onsite - developing and improving her concept of a Non-Green Garden at the Time's Up Labs.  Together with Natalia and Dismas Leonard we are still maintaining a hybrid - green / nongreen-garden. Pros- and Cons of such a project in urban areas will be discussed during this event between 2 and 5 PM 
-<a title="Non Green Gardening - Progress von Times Up Linz bei Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8035447890/">{{http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8317/8035447890_1fd401cd7b.jpg" alt="Non Green Gardening - Progress" width="500" height="333" /></a> 
-There will be a presentation of the Augmented Urban garden and its background of the Resilients project, some anecdotes regarding our battles with slugs and other less welcome guests in our garden. We will be serving some delicious dishes from the last harvest of our garden fruit and then send the beds off to their winter dormancy. 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Resilients Naikan ==== 
- resilients-naikan 
-2012-11-22 14:03:13 by  Maja Kuzmanovic 
-"Naikan is a method of intensive self-reflection that can lead to more inner freedom and joy. A week of Naikan allows you to examine your view on life by observing your inner world, calmly, in a completely safe space. The silence and withdrawal enable a deep, meditative and emotionally intense experience, by which self-perception can be re-calibrated and a fresh view on our life story can take place." - From Christina Stadlbauer's page: http://shiatsubrussel.be/index.php?/english/naikan---looking-inside/ 
-We will use Naikan at FoAM in the Future Preparedness case study of the Resilients project. Our hypothesis is that individual introspection, when done as part of a collective in their common workspace, could greatly improve the group's collaboration and communication processes, making them more resilient overall. We work with Helga Hartl as the guide during the retreat, and Alkan Chipperfield will provide some anthropological contextualisation post-retreat. Ten Naikan participants come from FoAM Brussels and Amsterdam, as well as our wider network of collaborators. 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== FoAM interview in MCD #65 ==== 
- foam-interview-mcd-65 
-2012-11-22 14:12:10 by  Monique Alvarez 
-An interview with Maja and Nik is featured in the recent issue of MCD - "L'INTERNET VOIT VERT / THE CULTURE OF GREEN TECH" - in which they discuss groworld, resilience and facing uncertainty. 
-<a href="http://www.digitalmcd.com/2011/12/05/mcd65-linternet-voit-vert-the-culture-of-green-tech" target="_blank">http://www.digitalmcd.com/2011/12/05/mcd65-linternet-voit-vert-the-culture-of-green-tech</a> 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== The Guild and the Garret ==== 
- guild-and-garret 
-2012-11-22 14:24:37 by  Nik Gaffney 
-The recording of the inspiring conversation between Dougald Hine and Ben Vickers, <a href="http://fo.am/guild-garret/">"The Guild and the Garret"</a> at Timelab last weekend is now available from the internet archive. 
-<a href="http://archive.org/details/TheGuildAndTheGarret" target="_blank">http://archive.org/details/TheGuildAndTheGarret</a> 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Notes from the Sensing Resilience workshop ==== 
- notes-sensing-resilience-workshop 
-2012-11-22 14:55:20 by  Monique Alvarez 
-Notes from the workshop can be found here: 
-<a href="http://libarynth.org/resilients/sinuni_workshop#workshop_noteslive" target="_blank">http://libarynth.org/resilients/sinuni_workshop#workshop_noteslive</a> 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
-==== Augumented urban gardening - a snap shot ==== 
- augumented-urban-gardening-snap-shot-dismas-sekibaha 
-<span lang="SW">One thing I knew for sure was the challenges of writing about the experiences of **<a href="http://www.libarynth.org/resilients/non-green-gardening" target="_blank">breeding mushrooms</a>** alongside green edible plants in the augmented urban gardening structure. I knew it from the beginning it wont be easy to write about it but it was great that I didn't have to worry about **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/7409498284/in/set-72157629540753105/" target="_blank">breeding them</a>**, <span>  neither taking the chance of **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8035445041/in/set-72157629601830295" target="_blank">caring for them</a>**. It was the likes of **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/5050644881/in/set-72157629540753105" target="_blank">tomatoes</a>**, salads, **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8111956491/in/set-72157629540753105/" target="_blank">potatoes</a>**, **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8035443420/in/set-72157629540753105/" target="_blank">paprikas</a>**, beans, cucumbers, pumpkins, oregano, rosemary, thyme, mints and so many other **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8111982784/in/set-72157629540753105/" target="_blank">aperitive plants</a>** that kept me working on those hanging beds since i knew at the end of the day they are all going to be eaten, and of course I will be part of the **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8111969740/in/set-72157629540753105" target="_blank">feasting activities</a>**.   
-2012-11-22 15:31:31 by  Monique Alvarez 
-<div><span lang="SW">One thing I knew for sure was the challenges of writing about the experiences of **<a href="http://www.libarynth.org/resilients/non-green-gardening" target="_blank">breeding mushrooms</a>** alongside green edible plants in the augmented urban gardening structure. I knew it from the beginning it wont be easy to write about it but it was great that I didn't have to worry about **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/7409498284/in/set-72157629540753105/" target="_blank">breeding them</a>**, <span>  neither taking the chance of **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8035445041/in/set-72157629601830295" target="_blank">caring for them</a>**. It was the likes of **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/5050644881/in/set-72157629540753105" target="_blank">tomatoes</a>**, salads, **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8111956491/in/set-72157629540753105/" target="_blank">potatoes</a>**, **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8035443420/in/set-72157629540753105/" target="_blank">paprikas</a>**, beans, cucumbers, pumpkins, oregano, rosemary, thyme, mints and so many other **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8111982784/in/set-72157629540753105/" target="_blank">aperitive plants</a>** that kept me working on those hanging beds since i knew at the end of the day they are all going to be eaten, and of course I will be part of the **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8111969740/in/set-72157629540753105" target="_blank">feasting activities</a>**.  </div> 
-<div> </div> 
-<div><span lang="SW">Apparently<span>   I also did not forget this African proverb (don't forget that Africa is a country) ''hauling a basket of delicious food is not laborious, neither boring''  </div> 
-<div> </div> 
-<div><span lang="SW">It was like; come on, if it is colorless to write about it, why not take photos before planting, harvesting and eating all **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/4817397821/in/set-72157623806473763" target="_blank">green family</a>** and of course **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/7409494490/in/set-72157629540753105" target="_blank">breeding</a>**, **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/7409492362/in/set-72157629540753105" target="_blank">harvesting</a>** and **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/7409501032/in/set-72157629540753105" target="_blank">eating</a>** the other non-green family (**<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/7409494258/in/set-72157629540753105" target="_blank">elms oyster</a>, <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8035445152/in/set-72157629540753105/" target="_blank">pink oyster</a>** and **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8035446012/in/set-72157629540753105/" target="_blank">stropharias</a>****)?** <span lang="SW">. Or what about making photos after eating all the greens and the mushrooms and see how delighted people were to have the resilience augmented non-green and green gardening fulfill their desire to **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8111973927/in/set-72157629540753105" target="_blank">good food</a>**.  </div> 
-<div> </div> 
-<div><span lang="SW">The idea of documenting the process through **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/sets/72157629601830295/with/8111966806/" target="_blank">photos</a>** worked better than the academic style of writing papers that nobody is interested in on reading especially right here, right now where preparation of uncertain future through **<a href="http://www.timesup.org/resilients" target="_blank">resilience philosophy</a>** needs people to act and **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/7003152368/in/set-72157629601830295" target="_blank">experimenting</a>** the actual living models, and not only reading about it.  </div> 
-<div> </div> 
-<div><span lang="SW">So many things came along to challenge the whole process but the desire to good product and basically delicious food kept me working hard until the enjoyment part of the whole work were achieved. Yes, there were these **<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Slug_in_VanDusen_Botanical_Garden.jpg" target="_blank">monsters aka <span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; font-size: 10pt;" lang="EN">slugs </a>** who were very smart to find different ways to snick around and be the first to taste the mushrooms. <span>   </div> 
-<div> </div> 
-<h2 style="background: white; margin: 0.83em 0cm; text-align: left;"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif';" lang="SW"><span style="font-size: small;">Yap, they did quite a destruction,  **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8035447890/in/set-72157629540753105" target="_blank"><span style="font-size: medium;">(I liked to say 'they <span lang="EN-US">assassinated big number of mushrooms' </a>**<span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-size: medium;">. . Everytime the mushrooms needed to get some fresh air outside, the only enemy to think about was slugs. The last option was to kill them (to some point it was very brutal)<span>   but that was the only way left since the used coffee grounds did not helped much as well as the  **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8035447785/in/set-72157629540753105" target="_blank"><span style="font-size: small;">aluminium bars </a>**<span style="font-size: small;">  </h2> 
-<div> </div> 
-<div><span lang="SW">Although the cat was doing a good job but turning the onions bed to be its pooing spot was to some point, a pain, but what could you do about it. He was the best in catching all the mice around but ironically it was always running away from big rats who were more destructive.  </div> 
-<div> </div> 
-<div><span lang="SW">This dude <span>  turned our onions bed to be his pooing place-hahahaa.  </div> 
-<div> </div> 
-<div><span lang="SW">It didn't matter anyway. At the end of the day, the autumn came so quick and **<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8111956491/in/set-72157629601830295/" target="_blank">everything has to stop</a>** and gives way to the skiing season. </div> 
-<div> </div> 
-<div><span lang="SW">It was a great experience and hopefully next season the Time's Uppers will challenge the cat, slugs and all odds to have best food supply around the corner.  </div> 
-<div> </div> 
-<span lang="SW">**<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/8035444679/in/set-72157623806473763" target="_blank">cheers</a>**  
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-==== NonGreenGardening Series ==== 
- nongreengardening-series 
-"NON GREEN GARDENING (NGG) - The ongoing series of living-lab experiments with mushrooms through contemplation and magic. It means to observe and learn from fungal dynamic behavior to continuously explore, adapt to the environment, recycle pathways and always invent on principles that can not be found/fit in any conceptual framework." 
-2012-12-04 13:48:42 by  Monique Alvarez 
-"NON GREEN GARDENING (NGG) - The ongoing series of living-lab experiments  with mushrooms through contemplation and magic. It means to observe and  learn from fungal dynamic behavior to continuously explore, adapt to the  environment, recycle pathways and always invent on principles that can not  be found/fit in any conceptual framework." 
-Text by Natalia Borissova    **<a href="http://aa-vv.org/node/146" target="_blank">http://aa-vv.org/node/146</a>**  **<a href="http://aa-vv.org/node/145" target="_blank">http://aa-vv.org/node/145</a>** 
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
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 ==== Resilients: The Flotilla ==== ==== Resilients: The Flotilla ====
- resilients-flotilla 
 2012-12-05 13:46:36 by  Monique Alvarez 2012-12-05 13:46:36 by  Monique Alvarez
 The prehearsal of the Resilients, starting at 12:12:12 on the 12-12-12, the Anti-Apocalypse Day. It is an exercise for the members of the Resilients Guild, to pre-enact a possible future scenario named "The Flotilla" The prehearsal of the Resilients, starting at 12:12:12 on the 12-12-12, the Anti-Apocalypse Day. It is an exercise for the members of the Resilients Guild, to pre-enact a possible future scenario named "The Flotilla"
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 A 24 hour period in the Flotilla will be experienced by those participating, enacting the working life in this possible future. A debriefing session attempts to unravel the responses to this lifestyle, to look at the ways that the experiences gathered there can echo into the present to inform our ongoing activities. A 24 hour period in the Flotilla will be experienced by those participating, enacting the working life in this possible future. A debriefing session attempts to unravel the responses to this lifestyle, to look at the ways that the experiences gathered there can echo into the present to inform our ongoing activities.
-**<a href="http://lib.fo.am/resilients/the_flotilla" rel="nofollow">http://lib.fo.am/resilients/the_flotilla</a>**+[[:resilients/the flotilla]]
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-==== Boucalais: a mobile studio ==== 
-2013-01-04 17:56:22 by  shelbatra jashari 
-**Boucalais is a mobile studio:  **Boucalais is a walking trail from Boulogne-sur-Mer to Dunkirk via Calais which Various Artists has travelled several times a year for seven years. The trail is a studio where a number of VA revise their work or where new work is created. <span style="color: #222222; line-height: 20.266666412353516px;">The creations are poetic expressions on the road, as it were, and which - given the mobile context - are necessarily on a small scale or &lsquo;light'   <span style="color: #222222; line-height: 20.266666412353516px;">The Boucalais project pays homage to the artist-collector who, in the course of his journey, assembles a collection of objects and observations, which will - sometimes literally - be dragged back to his studio as so many installations and &lsquo;objets trouv&eacute;s'. At the same time, the work is often intangible and only lives on in documentary form. Since, in the case of VA, the journey is largely equivalent to the studio, this collection of objects, routines and documentation is used as raw material/ oxygen/ basic component for (artistic) creation &lsquo;en route' 
-**Boucalais is a format or work method: **<span style="color: #222222; line-height: 20.266666412353516px;">Boucalais started in 2005 as a fixed walking trail, and grew over the years to a format, a state of mind inviting the VA to develop, revise and/or renew their work methods and preconceptions. The walking format challenges the artist's production mechanisms, and makes room for another interpretation of what constitutes artistic work. At times, the work is no more than a distinctive mark or a trace on the trail. The VA are thus continuously led to adapt their idea of creation and constantly develop different work methods.  
-**Boucalais is a performance on the road: **<span style="color: #222222; line-height: 20.266666412353516px;">Boucalais can also be seen as a real-time performance, a performed creative process out of which work emerges that is shown either en route or at predefined locations along the trail: interventions on the roadside and routines in hotel rooms are subtle installations and markings executed by VA, but without an audience consciously looking on. These are but small interventions in the landscape, fragments of songs by a singer-songwriter, anonymous witnesses who return every day for this temporary artist-walker.   
-For more information:  
-  * http://boucalais.tumblr.com/ 
-  * http://n0dine.squarespace.com/boucalais 
-  * http://nadine.be/project/resilients/being-boucalais  
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
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-==== Residency Family of Creatieves - Ceci est un magasin de vêtements ====+==== Unmanned Resilients videos ====
-2013-04-11 12:33:36 by  Loes Jacobs+ unmanned-resilients-vids
-Five people with different backgrounds (visual arts, fashion, architecture and anthropology) were 'running' boutique together. It was a shop with no clothes on offer, a paradoxical shop where wordsobjects and people came together. Ceci set un magasin de v&ecirc;tetements was a shop residency project by Sara ten Westenend, Maaike Gottschal, Miriam Rohde, Annelies Kuypers and Isabelle Makay who used the contradictory set-up of the boutique without clothes as a place in fluctuation where text, objects (clothes), people and space could meetThe aim of their residency was to get an insight in practical aspects of dealing with objects or material as processes. Therefore they invited different people during their residency who are integrating a specific approach to objects and/or material in their work.+Here is collection of videosdocumenting series of Unmanned Resilience workshopsthe SINUNI residency and the mountan hike & wild food discovering that all took place on Gora Plateau in August 2012And we are now also adding the local TV show about our UR activities.
 +2012-10-01 11:36:35 by  Uros Veber
-[[archive|Blog Archive]] 
------------------------------------------------------------------------+Here is a collection of videos, the documenting a series of Unmanned Resilience activities on Gora Plateau in August 2012.
 +<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/63883122" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe>
-==== N°19 residency Family of Creatives ====+<a href="http://vimeo.com/63883122">UNMANNED RESILIENCE UAS BRAMOR TESTS</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.
-2013-04-25 15:18:25 by  Robert Brečević+<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/63673688" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe>
-**After the tribe trip Pollinators Performing Pictures had an in situ residency in Rab, Croatia, the arrival point of the bike journeyThe residency was organised there to process the vast material collected during the tripPerforming Picture worked on photo material, and mapping the chapels on the straight line the journeyers followed.**+<a href="http://vimeo.com/63673688">RESILIENTS WORKSHOP</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.
-The end of the Pollinators journey with the public event in Rab where the participants shared their experiences of the trip and showed the rough material coming from the mobile process, was also the beginning of the Family of Creatives residency by Performing PicturesNot only Geska and Robert Brecevic, but also Cesar Brecevic, the 13 year old son of Robert who had biked along the whole line were part of this residency. As part of the residency, further chapels were designed and placed on the island. The material was used for a  artist photo-book essay (1 copy) and for the online map project by artist Pacome Beru, and the exhibition UnTied Notions. (Please note that this exhibition also encompassed works from another EU-project, the EITC 2011-7480. No costs for the exhibition has been charged to the Resilients project).+<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/63673687" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe>
 +<a href="http://vimeo.com/63673687">RESILIENTS MOUNTAIN CLIMB / HIKE SHORT VID</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.
-[[archive|Blog Archive]]+We are happy now to finally be able to upload the full show on Unmanned Resilience activities. The show is being played on local TV station as part od Sodobna Umetnost (Contemporary Art) TV series on rotating basis every month. Unfortunately it is all in Slovene and we were also asked to keep it password protected
------------------------------------------------------------------------+But here is the pass: resilients
-==== DIY-kit for roadside chapels ==== +Sodobna Umetnost Unmanned Resilients
- +
-2013-04-25 15:34:44 by Robert Brečević +
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-These are the recallings by Patrik Qvist, creator of the IKEA-style roadside solar-powered chapels left as beacons of light for fellow travellers by his friend Robert Brečević. +
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-It was somewhat sad to see R take off with a sackload of roadside chapels- I had very much wanted to partake in the journey, an adventure that would take him and his fellow travelers from suburban Stockholm down through an increasingly devout Europe. Or that it was how I imagined the lands south of here; a landscape devout in terms of number of people actively pursuing a faith within the framework of organized religion. I was curious to see how the chapels would be received along the way and to know to to what extent a crude miniature chapel could inspire to a moment of contemplation along different kinds of roads in this imagined Europe.  +
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-The chapels traveled in bits and pieces; a DIY-kit that required little else than a few nails and a hammer for assembly. The image within was another matter. R brought a beautifully cast St Cristobal from Mexico made of resina, rock hard and with great detail. I spent a few nights trying to make a silicone mold from the figure which then would be used on the journey- my idea was that the figure would be cast the night before erecting the chapel, after the bikes had been dismounted and camp had been secured for the night, thus providing a night-long curing of the figure. It did not quite work out- I was lacking in experience with the material, and had already used up most of my provisions of silicone in a vain attempt to make a huge  mold for the entire chapel ("no problem, Robert, you can pick up concrete anywhere along the way, all you'll need is some water and a trowel").  +
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-In the end, the chapel was made out of wood, and the faulty silicone mold for St Cristobal only held up for a few figures. Further down the road, the chapels became homes to icons that bore  closer resemblance to the patron saint of travelers; icons that were assembled en route and thus spoke both of and for the landscapes transversed.  +
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-Whatever sadness I may have felt at the departure soon gave way to a sense of joy at receiving reports from the trip. The chapels dotted the landscape and tied together nation-states, cultures, zones of languages and monetary systems in a rough squiggle from north to south-east. My small part of making this happen started out as something rather mundane: a few night spent with sketches, silicone and plaster. Into other hands, through other lands the chapels have transcended way beyond whatever my intentions may have been for them; I imagine a strike of lightning in a muddy field; the intent curiosity of a woodpecker and the careful token of dried flowers befalling unto the chapels as we speak. +
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  • Last modified: 2013-07-05 09:38
  • by nik