[resgat 200606]

  • research done in India (the Sanctuary - a live library of orchids)
  • from discussions with people, digging through the library

The forest around the sanctuary is very cool, compared to the villages and towns around, due to water evaporation from plants (plant is composed of 98% water)

To distribute the water throughout the plant, the plant produces a sugar solution and through osmosis transports it upwards throughout the stem and the foliage. Through evaporation in the upper parts of the plant, the difference in pressure occurs (lower pressure higher in the plant), and the sugar solution is able to travel upwards.

A plant uses physical (pressure) and chemical (binding and decomposing of molecules) processes to distribute energy needed for different operations. It can slow down and speed up different processes by altering pressure in its sieve tubes.

Plant produces more O2 during day (air bubbles appear as a byproduct of photosynthesis), while releasing CO2 through its stomata at night. The plant doesn't have a central respiratory system. Plants receive air through photosynthesis. Some plants require storage, to which air and water come through a series of chemical processes which use and produce wax, oil and dextrose.

Photosynthesis - aided by chloroplast (pigment) cells, able to catch sunlight. Chloroplast is well aligned on the top of the leaves, while inside the tissue they are scattered to catch more light. Chloroplast is the first pigment to disappear in autumn, making other pigments visible. Plants rely on two basic colours: carotene and abthocyanine. interesting tangent - look into eating plants as 'eating colours'

A plant is 'aware' of seasons by the length of darkness and draught. To 'measure' this, the plant produces a blue pigment, excreted only at night, which produces a hormone to guide the growth processes. Nitrogen plays an important role in this.

Defense systems of plants rely either on thorns or mustard oils.

  • Defense systems are time and aggression dependent.
  • The process of fighting other plants, mainly through roots and fallen leaves - aleopathy (e.g. penicilin)
  • “Grown ups acquire taste for defense systems”

Report on the visit to Material Connexion library in Koeln.

  • met with Karsten Bleymehl, researcher, wrote his thesis on new textiles in Milano
  • MC in Koeln employs 5 people. They receive their basic income from subscribers.

How do they get materials?

  • 50 people around the world travelling to fairs, as well as research online / word of mouth
  • every month they send all collected materials to the HQ in New York, where a committee of 10 people decide which materials will be put in the library. They put out a monthly newsletter showcasing these materials.
  • the library exists of:

physical library: boxes of samples, with attached technical information and a reference number. with the reference number, you can access the company index and get the contact information.

online database: with search function, in which you can find images of the materials, with technical information, reference numbers and contact information

  • active materials are problematic. samples usually have to be paid for. they do have contact information in the library.
  • Visit to the library requires applying for a slot in advance. You can ask to visit the library alone, or in groups (with other orgs).
  • 2 hours of consultancy
  • matchmaking

For an additional price, it is possible to receive more detailed research reports (you can employ them to do research for you).

For FoAM :

  • our projects can be put in their catalogues
  • they can supply us with people for workshops (lecturers, participants)
  • add our events to their mailing list
  • suggest names of bookshops and magazines for our publications

Other material library to contact: Materio in .nl / paris

Plans for july:

  • looking at different classification systems
  • thinking about a physical shelf / cupboard system
  • once these two components are designed and in place, Lina will begin putting materials in place, with the help of an intern

1. inflatables

  • looking at combining inflatables with architecture
  • study on modular inflatables

2. edible plants

  • experiment in Friesland: surviving 1 month on edible plants only
  • visit to the garden of edible native plants in Gemert, the Netherlands (www.wildebertram.nl)

3. kites

  • Dutch coast will be extended
  • 1% of the investment is meant for coastal projects
  • project proposal with patrick
  • live sound and kite harps
  • 9 september - open day - flying old kites

Detailed notes on YGL Summit 2006

4 days conference:

day 1: dignity day, visit to vancouver schools, talking to kids about the concept of 'dignity' and the initiative to allow everyone to lead a dignified life ('we're all the same'). opening reception with Gordon Campbell (president of BC) and Klaus Schwab (chairman wef, founder ygl)

day 2: plenary session on what we do, why we're here, what we want to achieve. panels and interactive sessions on (see final programme). museum of anthropology - dinner and performance.

day 3: business brainstorming. priorities for 2020; presentations and round tables: poverty and development, education, environment, global governance and security, health, new initiatives. outdoor team building. dinner with members of foundation board

day 4: defining a common vision + action plans for task-forces. new ideas worth following up. closing panel. informal networking.

  • innovations for the future (from ygl meeting san francisco): digital media, biotech, alternative energy
  • participatory leadership inspiring reason + emotion
  • too many overeducated but demotivated people in the world
  • emphasis on personal communication and contact
  • 'you can't be a leader without the will to serve' - always ask yourself - how can i personally contribute?
  • creativity and leadership: process of eliminating options (michelangelo - david)

More details on Subtle Technologies

interesting threads

  • strucutre & flexibility
    • architectural → biological
    • how to deal with flexible, fluid structures
    • biologically static → dead
  • parameterisabilty generalisabilty * biological influences on design (arch/product/procedural) * biomimetics as possible meeting point for bioogists, desingers, engineers. * buckminster fuller * tensegrity a framework for org. of multiple independent units * tensegrity everywhere synergetics everywhere
  • objects vs. dynamics
  • determinism
    • in arch. and genetics/morphology
  • complexity
    • function of simple behaviour over complex landscape
    • unpredictable iteraction/development of simple parts
  • contingency, deferral and traps
  • changes in perception & understanding due to instrumentation
    • cf. parametric design, and headphones
  • attempts ot making explicit, the implicit assumptions in various fields (?)
  • translation & reinterpretation

foam's current ecological footprint - 2 planets. hm.

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