* <del>p 87 footnote indicators in text **come after all other punctuation.** so ~</del>
* <del>"…events like the Flemish Primitives<sup>2</sup>." --> "…Primitives**.<sup>2</sup>**"</del>
* <del>"(GC-MS)<sup>1</sup>." in this case i would put the number inside the brackets "(GC-MS <sup>1</sup>)." to make clear that it refers to the abbreviation and not the sentence as a whole.</del>
* <del>"golgappa" or "Gol Gappa"</del> i've used "Gol Gappa" but it looks like either is ok. (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panipuri)
* <del>pp 81-3 the bolded "why" repeated in each section here looks a bit weird to me.</del> now opens with **"This dessert"**
* <del>why is only one side of the spreads numbered?</del> both facing pages should be numbered except on graphic only spreads.
* i like the idea of the formatting of the ingredients sections, but somehow the combination of ingredients with and without preceding quantities looks confusing to me… especially where one ingredient listing spills over into multiple lines. -- please add details/suggestions/examples
* pp 4-7 <del>throughout this section, change hyphens to en dashes where appropriate</del>
* p 7. <del>change dots ... to elipses … (but best do a document-wide find and replace for these)</del>
* <del>Rasa' -> Rasa's </del>
* <del>Pieter' -> Pieter's </del>
* <del>& -> and -></del> "Danica and Nika Kuzmanovic, and Vera Miler"
* heading "Note to the readers on how to get involved" could be rephrased either as "Note to readers […]" or "Note to the reader […]"
* p 18. <del>correct table formatting for "Dukkah Dust" recipe ingredients</del>
* p 25. consider reflowing to avoid the two-line widow in paragraph 3?
* p 28. <del>1cm -> 1 cm</del>
* p 41. <del>contuined -> continued</del>
* pp 42-43. spacing here still seems off to me
* p 47. <del>a hyphen here needs to be replaced with an en</del>
* p 49. <del>make formatting of "Stuffed Gol Gappa Balls" ingredients section consistent (i.e. lowercase after ingredient quantities)</del>
* <del>in the sourcing section there is a mini-recipe for harissa. consider setting this in "note style"</del>
* p 56. <del>Pea and Mint Ice Cream recipe: "1 tablespoon" isn't sitting in the quantities tab as it should</del>
* p 61. <del>remove full stop from "The Practice of Everyday Life."</del>
* p 74. <del>quote attribution line has jumped into the next column!</del>
* i just noticed… the coloured tabs at page corners have no bleed. i don't know if this is intentional or not, but nor do i know why you //wouldn't// want bleed here, given their positioning. (alkan) -- not sure if i'll keep these anyway (nik)
* also don't forget to make the text more legible in the "little fires" spread (and in some other places) as maja mentioned a while ago.
=== draft #37 (aka the big final reference shindig) ===
some quotes still don't have full reference data attached, but in these few cases i think we can get away with it (and in any case no data was supplied by the authors).
the references not corrected below can be left as they are.
* p 18. <del>Jean-Paul Bruneteau, _Tukka: Real Australian Food_ (New Holland Publishers, 1996)</del>
* p 23. <del>William Longgood, _The Queen Must Die and Other Affairs of Bees and Men_ (W.W. Norton & Co, 1988)</del>
* <del>Hubert Guerriat, _Etre Performant et Apiculture_ (Rucher du tilleul Editions, 1996)</del>
* p 42. <del>Harold McGee, _On Food and Cooking_ (Hodder & Stoughton, 2004)</del>
* p 56. [can maja supply the citation data] i've used: F. Adria, J. Soler, A. Adria, _El Bulli 2003-2004_ (Ecco, 2006)
* p 61. <del>H.M.S.J. [this massive and pompous acronym is kind of weird and archaic and so i think it should be left here] De Hol, _Ik kan koken: Geillustreerd handboek voor allen die willen leeren koken_ (Sijthof uitgeverij, 1931)</del>
* <del>Isabelle Beeton, _The Book of Household Management, 1836_ (http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/10136)</del>
* <del>Allen Downey, Jeffrey Elkner and Chris Meyers, _How to Think Like a Computer Scientist_ (Green Tea Press, 2002)</del>
* <del>Frederick P. Brooks, _The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering_ (Addison-Wesley, 1995)</del>
* <del>Henri Lefevbre, _Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life_ (Translated by Stuart Elden and Gerald Moore, Continuum, 2004)</del>
* <del>Luce Giard, Michel de Certeau and Pierre Mayol, _The Practice of Everyday Life: Living and Cooking_ (University of Minnesota Press, 1998)</del>
* <del>'too coarsely constituted' -> 'ground too coarsely'</del>
* <del>p 87. references: replace hyphens with colons for consistency</del>
* **Q:** are you going to keep the blue highlighting for the urls? it looks kind of full-on to me. also, urls listed as references/further reading have no special formatting, but urls in the sourcing sections do. in the "further reading" section on p. 61, the styling is kind of mixed. wouldn't this be better if made consistent, i.e. //all// urls in blue? **A:** the blue strike probably won't stay, it's there to make sure we haven't missed ny inline urls.
* by the way, why don't you bite the bullet and just give the sourcing sections ragged margins??? just look at the paragraphs on p. 11 (also 37, etc.) :-/ ok.ok.ok.
=== still waiting... ===
* check all logos
* check E numbers (either wikipedia or 'de essenties' for reference)
* check chemical notation
* only one or two of these have ended up in the publication, no? the one i found looked alright.
* check footnotes
* check IPA for 'stump' and/or 'stampot'
* check capitalisation & italic of 'Miel beton'
* i think i checked this, so it should simply be as indicated in the final plain text versions. --- //[[alkan.chipperfield@gmail.com|Alkan Chipperfield]] 2010/04/14 02:50//
* map for feral trade coffee -> double gold recipe
* check chinese in ginger soup recipe
* well, as i mentioned by email a while ago, there is nothing in the characters that suggests they //aren't// what they're meant to be… --- //[[alkan.chipperfield@gmail.com|Alkan Chipperfield]] 2010/04/14 02:50//
* check urls for accurcy & consistency
* check footnote consistency
* the few footnotes there are now look fine. maybe consider using a numeral in sneha's (even though there's just the one footnote) to keep it consistent with bernard's article.
* check libarynth and foam -> opensauces.cc urls
* quote references. eg. "—Herbert Spencer in The Big Fat Duck Cookbook (Bloomsburry, 2008)" or "—F. Adria, J. Soler, A. Adria. El Bulli Books 2003. Rte. (El Bulli S.L., 2005)" i prefer the first.