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michka:research:microbial_fuel_cells:brussels7 [2017-09-20 17:02] michkamichka:research:microbial_fuel_cells:brussels7 [2017-09-20 17:26] michka
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 {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/37146968152/  ?maxwidth=400}}\\ {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/37146968152/  ?maxwidth=400}}\\
-====Paul, September 14th==== +====Michka, September 13th====
- +
-   * Paul filled up the 13 batteries a few days ago. +
-{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/37146967402/  ?maxwidth=400}}\\ +
-{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/37319690935/  ?maxwidth=400}}\\ +
-   * This morning : +
-      * Two of them do not work. +
-      * One has a voltage of 0.13 V. +
-      * The others have a voltage between 0.55 and 0.76 V. +
-{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/36506067793/  ?maxwidth=400}}\\ +
-      * When combining all in series, Paul measures 5.7 V, which allows to run the BBC microbit displaying text during 1 to 2 minutes ! +
- Video : powerOfTheMudShortEdit +
- +
-///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// REPRENDRE ICI +
- +
-====Paul, September 16th==== +
- +
-Ici updates: j’ai finalisé le petit robot sur rails, il est légèrement moins trash. Le conteneur en céramique pour l’autre robot est prêt, sorti du four cet après-midi.  +
-J’ai un supercap de 10F en charge sur 12 batteries, il est monté à 1.8V en 6 heures, mais ne gagne maintenant que 1mV/3mn à peu près. +
-J’ai branché le robot (moteur + led + microbit) directement sur les piles, rien ne se passe. Le robot consomme environ 100mA à 2V sur alimentation secteur. Le microbit tout seul fonctionne 1mn environ avec texte sur les leds dans la même configuration. +
-Food for thought et experimentations… +
-Bises et bon weekend à toi aussi! +
- +
-====Paul, September 18th==== +
- +
-Un petit dernier update du weekend: +
-Le supercap de 10F a atteint 2.690 V à 22h30, soit 23 heures après être mis en charge avec un voltage de départ de 0.35V aux bornes du supercap, 5.9V aux batteries. La charge a fait tourner le robot 7mn (microbit avec leds, moteur, led). +
-Le microbit s’est arrêté à 1.667V. J’ai remis le supercap en charge, je suis curieux de voir combien de temps il prend pour revenir à 2.7v. +
-Demain j’essaierai avec un 0.22F, que j’ai à l’atelier, potentiellement 12s d’actuation pour 40 fois moins de temps, ça commence à être pas mal. +
-Pour DDW je pense préparer un système manuel en plus du circuit, un simple switch qui permet de passer de charge à décharge, avec des terminaux pour brancher un voltmètre. +
-Ce matin 2.5V. +
-Bonne chance avec EDF! +
-Bises, à demain :>)) +
- +
-====Michka, September====+
 ===Tests with resistor-based voltage divider=== ===Tests with resistor-based voltage divider===
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    * However, I kept having funny results. I tested many of the components, and finally concluded with a test without the voltage divider that it might be perturbing the correct working of the circuit.    * However, I kept having funny results. I tested many of the components, and finally concluded with a test without the voltage divider that it might be perturbing the correct working of the circuit.
    * I will therefore not present here the hectic results of these first tests.    * I will therefore not present here the hectic results of these first tests.
 +====Michka, September 14th====
 ===Tests directly powered by the power supply=== ===Tests directly powered by the power supply===
Line 185: Line 153:
    * We could also try out what happens when we change the 1381E to 1381J.    * We could also try out what happens when we change the 1381E to 1381J.
 +====Paul, September 14th====
 +   * Paul filled up the 13 batteries a few days ago.
 +{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/37146967402/  ?maxwidth=400}}\\
 +{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/37319690935/  ?maxwidth=400}}\\
 +   * This morning :
 +      * Two of them do not work.
 +      * One has a voltage of 0.13 V.
 +      * The others have a voltage between 0.55 and 0.76 V.
 +{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/36506067793/  ?maxwidth=400}}\\
 +      * When combining all in series, Paul measures 5.7 V, which allows to run the BBC microbit displaying text during 1 to 2 minutes !
 + Video : powerOfTheMudShortEdit
 +====Michka, September 15th====
 ==Test #10 - Changing the transistors== ==Test #10 - Changing the transistors==
Line 203: Line 186:
      * We therefore cannot hope that the BBC microbit will open the gate of the second transistor controlling the line powering itself, as the gate voltage will always be a little bit lower than the emitter voltage in this version of a two-transistors circuit.      * We therefore cannot hope that the BBC microbit will open the gate of the second transistor controlling the line powering itself, as the gate voltage will always be a little bit lower than the emitter voltage in this version of a two-transistors circuit.
    * Conclusion : using the digital output of the BBC microbit does not improve the autonomy of the BBC microbit.    * Conclusion : using the digital output of the BBC microbit does not improve the autonomy of the BBC microbit.
 +====Michka, September 16th====
 ==Test #13 - Changing the supercapacitors== ==Test #13 - Changing the supercapacitors==
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    * The BBC microbit seems to light up when the voltmeter shows 2.67 V on the + pin of the power supply.    * The BBC microbit seems to light up when the voltmeter shows 2.67 V on the + pin of the power supply.
-==Test #17 - Test autonomy while running a motor on BBC microbit==+====Paul, September 16th====
-Experiment still to be performed.+   * Paul finalized the rail-based robot. 
 +   * Paul finalized the ceramic container for the second robot, which ended its oven cooking over the afternoon. 
 +   * Paul plugged a 10 F supercap on the 12 working clay MFCs. 
 +     * It charged up to 1.8 V in 6 hours. 
 +     * Afterwards, it only charged 1 mV every 3 minutes. 
 +   * When plugging directly our first robot on the batteries, nothing happens. 
 +   * When connected to the power supply, the robot consumes about 100 mA at 2 V. 
 +   * Microbit alone displays text for about one minute in the same configuration.
-==Test #18 - Try again the two-transistors topology with parallel two-supercaps charge==+====Paul, September 18th====
-Experiment still to be performed.+   * The 10 F supercap plugged on the batteries reached 2.690 V 23 hours after being put to charge. It had an initial voltage before charge of 0.35 V, when the batteries without any load where giving 5.9 V. 
 +   * This 10 F charge made the first V&A robot run for seven minutes. 
 +   * When the robot stopped, the 10 F supercap was still giving 1.667 V. 
 +   * Paul wants to try to replace the 10 F supercap for a 0.22 F supercap, which would allow 12 seconds operation for 40 times less charging time. 
 +   * Paul is also preparing : 
 +     * a manual charging system for the V&A installation for demonstration purposes 
 +     * a simple switch which will allow us to control ourself the charge/discharge pattern, with terminals for voltmeter measurement
-==Test #19 - Testing again the two-transistor Solarbot design==+====Possible future tests====
-Experiment still to be performed.+   * Test autonomy while running a motor on BBC microbit 
 +   * Try again the two-transistors topology with parallel two-supercaps charge 
 +   * Testing again the two-transistor Solarbot design
  • michka/research/microbial_fuel_cells/brussels7.txt
  • Last modified: 2017-09-20 17:54
  • by michka