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marine_colab:recommended_reading [2015-05-05 08:54] nikmarine_colab:recommended_reading [2016-01-15 15:28] nik
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 ===Recommended Reading=== ===Recommended Reading===
 +=== Beginnings ===
   * the “Marine Ecosystem Service Valuation” reports from the Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy Research at Plymouth University, the Gulbenkian Ocean Initiative, the “Valuing the Oceans Framework Strategy”   * the “Marine Ecosystem Service Valuation” reports from the Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy Research at Plymouth University, the Gulbenkian Ocean Initiative, the “Valuing the Oceans Framework Strategy”
   * http://mesp2.env.duke.edu/resources/papers   * http://mesp2.env.duke.edu/resources/papers
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   * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifragile|Antifragile]] by N.N.Taleb   * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifragile|Antifragile]] by N.N.Taleb
   * [[http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674064225|The Ecological Thought]] by Timothy Morton   * [[http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674064225|The Ecological Thought]] by Timothy Morton
 +=== Values based approach ===
 +  * The "Common Cause for Nature" Report. http://valuesandframes.org/initiative/nature/
 +=== 2015-2016 Reading List (via Giles) NOTE: needs editing===
 +  * Economics - David Aeron-Thomas
 +    * Harford, T. (2006) The Undercover Economist, Little, Brown, London Scholar Library (x2) Comment:  A really good introduction to economics in a very readable and witty style.  If you have not studied Economics – read this book first
 +    * Aldred, J (2009) The Skeptical Economist: Revealing the Ethics Inside Economics, Earthscan Scholar Library (x3)
 +    * Boyle, D & Simms, A (2009), The new economics – A Bigger Picture, Earthscan Scholar Library (x1) Available online: http://en.booksee.org/book/1113281
 +    * Frank, RH (2008)  The Economic Naturalist - why economics explains almost everything,  Virgin Books Scholar Library (x2)
 +    * Harari, Y N (2014) Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind, Vintage Books  Scholar Library (x2)
 +    * Film: Money as Debt  Available online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=jqvKjsIxT_8&NR=1  
 +  * Ethics & Values - Kate Rawles
 +    * Brennan A. (2008) Environmental Ethics Available online: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-environmental/
 +    * Crompton T. (2010) Common Cause; the Case for Working with our Cultural Values Available online: http://assets.wwf.org.uk/downloads/common_cause_report.pdf
 +    * Raskin P.D. (2006) The Great Transition Today; a Report from the Future Available online: http://www.gtinitiative.org/documents/PDFFINALS/2GTToday.pdf
 +    * Speth J.G. (2008) The Bridge at the Edge of the World; Capitalism, the Environment and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability chapter 10 'A New Consciousness' Ebook available on Q drive
 +  * Cross-cutting E&V and P&C themes:
 +      * Green Futures magazine - Special Edition on Religion and SD (July 2011)  Moving Mountains: How can faith shape our future? Available in Forum Office & Pdf available on Q drive
 +  * People & Community - Ian Christie
 +    * Film:  Witness (1985) Dir. Peter Weir Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Bruce, S. (1999) Sociology: a very short introduction. Oxford University Press Scholar Library (x2) Comment:  Very clear introduction to main ideas in analysis of modern societies and ‘modernity’ as a condition
 +    * Kahneman, D (2012) Thinking Fast and Slow. Penguin Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * MacFarlane, A. (2005)  Letters to Lily: on how the world works Profile Scholar Library (x5) Comment:  Letters to his grand-daughter by eminent UK anthropologist and social historian: covers basic concepts in anthropology and sociology, modern vs. traditional society, ethical issues in social organisation and change
 +    * Website:  Common Cause:  http://valuesandframes.org/
 +  * Science, Technology & Innovation
 +    * Hunt, A. (Ed) (2008) AS Science in Society Heinemann Scholar Library (x3) Comment:  A good introduction to science in the wider context of society.  If you have not studied Science – read this book first
 +    * Irwin, A (1995) Citizen Science: a study of people, expertise and sustainable development, Routledge Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Pielke, R Jr (2007) The Honest Broker: making sense of science in policy and politics, Cambridge University Press Scholar Library (x2)
 +    * Yearley, S (2004) Making sense of Science, Sage Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * The New Scientist (published weekly) Available in Forum Office
 +    * Website: Jonathon Porritt’s Blog (online):  www.jonathonporritt.com
 +  * Sustainability Literate Leadership  (SLL) - Sara Parkin
 +    * Brown, L. (2011) World on the edge: How to prevent environmental and economic collapse. New York & London: WW Norton Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Draper, S (2013) Creating the Big Shift: system innovation for sustainability Emailed to Scholars, Ebook on Q drive & Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Grint, K. (2000) The Arts of Leadership OUP, Oxford  Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Lecture: Grint, K. on ‘wicked’ problems:  Available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRpKd_J2qkY   Also 5 min animated case study on how to work with wicked problems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrWbicvDLPw
 +    * Handy, C. (1993) Understanding Organisations, Penguin, 4th edition, Scholar Library (x3)
 +    * Heffernan M (2014) A Bigger Prize: Why competition isn’t everything and how we do better.  Simon & Schuster  Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Jackson, T. (2008) ‘The Challenge of sustainable lifestyles’, in State of the World, Worldwatch Institute  On Q drive 
 +    * Kotter, JP, Porter, ME, Goleman D (2010) Essential Reads for Global Leaders, Harvard Business School Publishing. On Q drive & Scholar Library (x2)
 +    * Marshall, J., Coleman, G. & Reason, P. (2011) Leadership for Sustainability: An Action Research approach. Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield  Scholar Library (x2)
 +    * Meadows, D (2009)Thinking in Systems, Earthscan, London Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Milanovic B (2011)The Haves and the Hane Nots, Basic Books, New York Scholar Library (x1) Comment:  A key Leadership conundrum: the role of equality in peace, prosperity and sustainability 
 +    * Nye, J (2008) The Powers to Lead OUP, Oxford  Scholar Library (x2)  (Also see Nye’s Soft Power)
 +    * Ostrom E. et al (2013) The Future of the Commons: beyond market failure and government regulation, Economic Affairs, London . Comment:  A short and clear explanation of Elinor’s theory and work. V good intro.
 +    * Parkin, S. (2013) Chapter 6.3, Leadership for Sustainability: The Search for Tipping Points’ in O’Riordan T. and Lenton T. (eds) Addressing Tipping Points for a Precarious Future, OUP, London 
 +    * Parkin, S. (2010) The Positive Deviant: Sustainability Leadership in a Perverse World, Earthscan, London  Scholar Library (x4)
 +    * Smil, V (2014) Making of the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialisation, Wyley, London
 +    * Academic Paper: Turner, G. (2008) ‘A comparison of The Limits to Growth with 30 years of reality’ in Global Environmental Change, no 18, pp397-411 Available online – check on Athens etc @mdx uni
 +    * MEA. 2005, Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis Report On Q drive & Available online: http://millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.356.aspx.pdf   Comment:  Along with MDGs and WRI these websites provide trustworthy baseline information sources.to his grand-daughter 
 +    * Millennium Development Goals 2015 Final Report On Q drive & Available online: http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals
 +    * National Intelligence Council   Comment: Think tank for the US Security Services.  The military and fossil fuel giants are better informed than any government.  See for example: http://www.dni.gov/files/documents/Newsroom/Reports%20and%20Pubs/2025_Global_Trends_Final_Report.pdf   This report from the US National Intelligence Agency (NIC) was put on the desk of incoming President Obama.  The 2030 Report was much downloaded too, and look out for next year 2035 Global Trends which will go to the next US President.  See the DNI website for individual country reports on Climate Change to 2030.  Each shows the methodology used to judge the resilience of the country, for example: http://www.dni.gov/files/documents/climate2030_china.pdf 
 +  * Websites to track this year:
 +    * Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: http://ipcc.ch/
 +    * Sustainable Development Goals 2015: http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/
 +    * World Resources Institute: http://www.wri.org/
 +  * Economics - David Aeron-Thomas
 +    * Bruges, J (2007) The Big Earth Book: Ideas and solutions for a planet in crisis, Alistair Sawday Publishing Co. Ltd, Bristol (280 pages) Scholar Library (x1) Comment:  A great all-rounder on all sorts of sustainable issues.  Written in an impassioned style.  All of it is relevant to sustainable economics.  But particularly worth noting the sections on Money (p74-126), Trade (pp128-153) and Nature (pp206-225)
 +    * Common, M. & Stagl, S. (2005) Ecological Economics : An Introduction, Cambridge University Press (550 pages)  Scholar Library (x3) Comment:  The textbook for those that want to follow up particular areas.
 +    * Ekins, P., Hillman, M., Hutchinson, R. (2000) Wealth beyond measure: An Atlas of New Economics London/Doubleday, New York, Gaia Books  Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Hawken, P., Lovins, A. & Lovins, L.H. (1999) Natural Capitalism: the Next Industrial Revolution. Earthscan Publications Limited, London (390 pages) Comment:  Showing what is possible with innovative thinking and resource productivity.  An uplifting antidote to economic gloom and doom
 +    * Jacobs, M (1991) The Green Economy: Environment, Sustainable Development and the Politics of the Future  Scholar Library (x4)
 +    * Pearce, D. & Barbier, E. (2000) Blueprint for a Sustainable Economy, Earthscan Publications Limited, London (270 pages)  Scholar Library (x1) Comment:  Getting a bit more serious now – applying economic analysis to sustainable issues.  A really good primer on the subject covering all the basics.
 +    * Porritt, J. (2007) Capitalism as if the world matters Earthscan, London  Scholar Library (x4)
 +    * Porritt, J. (2009) Living within our means: avoiding the ultimate recession Forum for the Future  Scholar Library (x2)
 +    * Website: Freakonomics blog: http://freakonomics.com/
 +  * Ethics & Values - Kate Rawles
 +    * Blackburn, S (2003) Ethics; a very short introduction Oxford University Press  Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * DesJardins, J.R. (2006) Environmental Ethics; an introduction to environmental philosophy, Wadsworth. 2nd & 3rd Editions in Scholar Library (x6) Comment:  Very good overview of environmental ethics and good introduction to a range of other relevant  issues ie role of E&V in environment issues, relationship between ethics & science, key approaches to ethics within western ethical theory. 
 +    * Kasser, T. (2002) The High Price of Materialism Comment: A critique of materialism as a model of the good life.  Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Layard R (2005) Happiness, Allen Lane /Penguin Books Scholar Library (x2)
 +    * Midgley, M. (1991) Can't we make moral judgements? The Bristol Press  Scholar Library (x2) Comment:  An exploration of the issues around moral relativism, and the idea that ethics are merely subjective opinions - common assumptions about ethics that have surprisingly practical implications, including in the arena of sustainable development. All done in Mary Midgley's indomitable style.
 +    * Robinson, D. & Garrett C.(1997) Ethics for beginners Icon books  Scholar Library (x2)  Comment:  Yes, this is a cartoon book!  And a very good overview of ethical theory.  
 +    * Singer, P (Ed) (1993) Companion to Ethics Comment: This is also worth dipping into and includes sections on business ethics and ethics in non-Western traditions.
 +    * Singer, P.  (2004) One World: the ethics of globalization Yale University Press Scholar Library (x2)  Comment: A detailed analysis of ethics in relation to globalization - lucid and hard hitting. 
 +    * Smith, J. (2002) Moralities; how to end the abuse of money and power in the 21st Century Scholar Library (x1)  Comment:  A powerful analysis of the way in which 'morality' in the political arena is reduced to interpersonal issues about eg sexual morality, while issues like the arms trade, illegal wars and environmental destruction go relatively unchallenged.
 +    * Weston, A. (2002) A practical companion to ethics 2nd edition Oxford University Press Scholar Library (x1) Comment:  This is a great little book, designed to bridge the gap between theoretical approaches to ethics and actually using ethical analysis in practice.
 +    * Wilkinson & Pickett (2009) The Spirit Level, Allen Lane /Penguin Books Scholar Library (x2)  Comment:  A provocative and really useful text on the topic of equity.
 +  * People & Community - Ian Christie
 +    * Baggini, J. (2007) Welcome to Everytown: a journey into the English mind, Granta Comment:  A philosopher and journalist, spends 6 months away from his London left-liberal habitat in Rotherham, living everyday life in a the ‘most typical’ and ‘average’ postcode in England 
 +    * Buonfino, A. & Mulgan, G.  (2006) (eds), Porcupines in Winter: the pleasures and pains of living together in modern Britain The Young Foundation Comment: Up to date and readable collection of essays on recent British social change, covering community, family, friendship, multiculturalism, Internet, urban life.
 +    * Dresner, S. (2002) The Principles of Sustainability Earthscan  Scholar Library (x1) Comment:  Excellent intro to SD in general; focus on part 3, where the author relates SD to big ideas about modernity and social change.  
 +    * Article:  Jackson, T. (ed) (2006) Consuming Paradise: Towards a socio-cultural psychology of sustainable consumption, in Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Consumption, Earthscan, London On Q drive 
 +    * Science, Technology & Innovation
 +    * Hunt, A. (Ed) (2009) A2 Science in Society,  Heinemann  Scholar Library (x1) Comment:  Good on the basics of climate change, energy futures and ecosystems
 +    * Paper:  DTI, (2005) Science in Society.  Findings from Qualitiative and Quantitative Research  On Q drive and Summary in Scholar Library (Article)
 +    * Paper:  Hoodbhoy P, Glaser D, Shapin S.  (2004) Trust me I’m a Scientist.  British Council  On Q drive and Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * MacKay, D (2009) Sustainable Energy – without the hot air. UIT, Cambridge Scholar Library (x1)  Available online: http://www.withouthotair.com/
 +    * Monbiot, G, (2006). Heat.  Allen Lane Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Porritt, J (2000) Playing Safe Science and the Environment. Thames and Hudson. Scholar Library (x5 )
 +    * Ravetz J, (2006) The No-nonsense Guide to Science, New Internationalist Scholar Library (x2)
 +    * Paper:  Wakeford, T (2004) Democratising Technology, Reclaiming Science for Sustainable Development.  ITDG publications On Q drive 
 +    * Wilsdon J, Willis R, (2004).  See through Science, Demos.  www.demos.com   On Q drive and Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Sustainability Literate Leadership  (SLL) - Sara Parkin
 +    * Alexander, Ballard & Associates (2006) Warm Hearts and Cool Heads: the Leadership Potential for Climate Change Champions, Alexander Ballard Associates. On Q drive 
 +    * Academic Paper: Bendell J & Little R (2015) Searching For Sustainability Leadership – IFLAS, Uni of Cumbria  Available online: http://www.cumbria.ac.uk/Public/BusinessComputing/Documents/IFLAS/SearchingForSustainabilityLeadership.pdf
 +    * Doppelt, R (2003) Leading Change towards Sustainability, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield  Scholar Library (x2)
 +    * Elkington, J & Hartigan, P (2008) The Power of Unreasonable People Harvard Business Press, Boston, Massachusetts 
 +    * Goodman, J. (2008) Climate Futures: responses to climate change in 2030 Forum for the Future & HP Labs  Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Goodman, J. (2010) Growing pains: population and sustainability in the UK Forum for the Future  Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Grayling, A.C. (2003) What is good? The search for the best way to live,  Weidenfeld & Nicholson. (Chapters 1-3) Scholar Library (x1) Comment:  for classical philosophy on happiness and the good life.
 +    * Kay, J (2010) Obliquity: Why our goals are best achieved indirectly, Profile Books, London
 +    * Kellerman, B (2013) The End of Leadership, New York: Harper Business Intro & Ch8  Scholar Library (x2) 
 +    * Klein, N (2014) This changes everything, Allen Lane, London 
 +    * Leach M, Scoones I, Stirling A (2010) Dynamic Sustainabilities: Technology, Environment and Social Justice, Earthscan, London Scholar Library (x1)
 +    * Mulgan, G (2006) Good and Bad Power: the ideals and betrayals of government, Allan Lane  Scholar Library (x1) Comment: Why government seems paralysed
  • marine_colab/recommended_reading.txt
  • Last modified: 2017-03-16 14:46
  • by maja