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lirec:version_control_guide [2009-02-09 09:57] davegriffithslirec:version_control_guide [2009-02-09 11:01] (current)
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 ====Getting the code==== ====Getting the code====
-Firstly go to directory where you want to keep your code and run:+Firstly go to the directory where you want to keep your code and run:
 <code>svn co --username=yourlogin https://svn.lirec.eu lirec</code> <code>svn co --username=yourlogin https://svn.lirec.eu lirec</code>
 Replace "yourlogin" with your lirec [[http://trac.lirec.eu/|trac website]] login. The username is required so svn knows who changed what. Read-only anonymous access is also available. Replace "yourlogin" with your lirec [[http://trac.lirec.eu/|trac website]] login. The username is required so svn knows who changed what. Read-only anonymous access is also available.
 +This will populate a directory called lirec with all the code. This is called your working copy.
 ====Make some changes==== ====Make some changes====
-I've added an example project in svn for you to play with. I've laid this out so that the project contains it's own directories called trunk, tags and branches. The code is contained in the trunk directory, the tags and branches are used later to store other versions of the code for this project. Look in lirec/example-project/trunk/example-app/ and edit the impressive application you'll find there. When you've saved run:+I've added an example project in svn for you to play with and break without fear. I've laid this out so that the project contains it's own directories called trunk, tags and branches. The code is contained in the trunk directory, the tags and branches are used later to store other versions of the code for this project. I'd recommend this structure for other projects. Look in lirec/example-project/trunk/example-app/ and edit the impressive application you'll find there. When you've saved run:
 <code>svn commit</code> <code>svn commit</code>
 This will pop up the editor you specified earlier. Add a nice informative message, save the file, and close the editor. If all is well, your change is now sent to the svn server. If, as sometimes happens to me, you realise at this point that you've forgotten something, close the editor without saving - svn will then ask you if you want to abort the commit. This will pop up the editor you specified earlier. Add a nice informative message, save the file, and close the editor. If all is well, your change is now sent to the svn server. If, as sometimes happens to me, you realise at this point that you've forgotten something, close the editor without saving - svn will then ask you if you want to abort the commit.
 +If the editor popping up is annoying for you, then you can also specify the message like this on the command line:
 +<code>svn commit -m "your message"</code>
 ====Adding files==== ====Adding files====
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 ======More Information====== ======More Information======
-  * Version Control with SubversionA complete online book: [[http://svnbook.red-bean.com/]]+  * "Version Control with SubversionA complete online book http://svnbook.red-bean.com/
  • lirec/version_control_guide.1234173472.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2009-02-09 09:57
  • by davegriffiths