Hosting Community Gathering
7th October 2016 @ FoAM BXL
Ritual design
Design session of the maja rituals working group.
Host: Barbara Raes Co-ordinator: Ingrid Vranken
Participants: Barbara Raes, Ingrid Vranken, Rasa Alksnyte, Maja Kuzmanovic
Task: Design flow for a ritual related to two aspects of unacknowledged loss: motherhood and youthfulness.

Process: Barbara explained the three stages of a rite of passage (separation, transition and re-integration), as well as the energetic “s-curve” of a funeral. She gave the participants the context for the ritual, who proceeded to freely associate concepts, archetypes, possible elements, etc. After agreeing on starting and ending archetype, we worked through the different stages until we came to a sketch of the flow. In the afternoon we collected texts and archetype information, identified 19 sub-phases, and began to make detailed descriptions of the spaces, actions, roles, materials, atmospheres and instructions.

Note: as the design is meant for a specific person, we won't share the details of the content and the process here beforehand.
Next steps: Barbara to finalise the design for the ritual to be held at FoAM on the 30th of October. Ingrid might be able to assist.
Process facilitation call
Conference call of the process facilitation working group.
- Detailed editorial of different versions of the work description, notes in google docs (200 words, 500 words, 1000 words)
- Next steps:
- Finalise and upload text, images and diagrams on the FoAM site and as a pdf; share document with networks, evaluate reactions & seek opportunities
- Next working group meeting (steward: Luea, possibly with assistance from Ingrid): 16 December 2016: to be discussed (among other things): mapping - systems/stakeholders and toolkit, name for the working group, updates and feedback on progress, process and opportunities, etc.
The working group session in December will end with a celebration for the whole hosting community.