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Residency programmes are often designed for itinerant solo artists or artists' collectives. In discussion with artists who have young children, we became aware that it is often difficult to find opportunities where they can participate in residencies along with their kids. We thus began an experiment in 2010 that sought to explore how a “family in residence” would look – one in which children become an intrinsic part of the workspace.


The separation between life and work wasn't common practice before the industrial revolution. Now in postindustrial societies such a separation may not be ideal either: working parents who see their children only a few hours a day; expatriates and immigrants who have no families to support them; eco-communities in search of new forms of sustainable living for all ages…

At FoAM we recognise the need and added value of hybrid forms of life and work to support artists. We make arrangements with the families in residence that give the parents the opportunity to focus on their work, while FoAM's collaborators help with looking after the children.

See also: residencies and transiencies,

  • family_residencies.txt
  • Last modified: 2016-08-11 10:58
  • by maja
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