“The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is an international standard (ISO 26324) managed by the International DOI Foundation, which provides a system to support persistent identification of content objects and related entities in digital networks.”
- doi:10.1000/292
- etc
Registration agencies
see crossref
- US based
- pricing
see datacite
- based in Germany as e.v
- pricing Membership Fee of 2000€ and Service Fee of 500€ per year plus 0,80€ per DOI
- etc+
- mEDRA (multilingual European Registration Agency)
- a brand of ediSer, the service company of the Italian Publishers Association
- 150€ startup fee, 180–6000€ per year for 30–8000 DOIs (then 4.50 to 0.45 each)
- additional 250€ for crossref integration