In Leiden it rained a total of 41,4 millimeters.
Close to Den Helder 8 millimeters of rain fell in 10 minutes.
The road over the Oosterscheldekering closed (N57)
The Haringvliet bridge closed.
The Erasmus bridge closed.
The Moerdijk bridge (A16) closed
The dijk Enkhuizen-Lelystad closed.
Ferries don't run to Vlieland and Terschelling
The container-ship Claudel broke loose in Rotterdam seaport, and smashed into a anchorage of an Oil Terminal, about 400 to 800 cubic meters of oil was spilled. The oil can't be cleared due to the nightfall. Citizens of the Hague have reported a stinky smell.
All Dutch pumping-stations are pumping full-speed, so that lowlands don't flood.
Permanent dijk-patrols in Groningen and Friesland provinces.
All waterways are closed in Groningen Province.
Dijk-water-passages are closed at Delftzijl.
At Heemskerk sea and wind washed away 4 meters of dunes over over a distance of 4 kilometers.
Water-pressure dropped in Eastern parts of the Country, due to damage by the roots of uprooted trees.
One person was blown into the canal in Amsterdam.