android update sdk –no-ui
setting up the hardware:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666"
test it works with:
adb devices
creating a project (from ):
android create project \ --package \ --activity HelloAndroid \ --target 2 \ --path <path-to-your-project>/HelloAndroid
Use “android list targets” to get the target number
Load a file into emacs, M-X android-ant-install, and the package should appear in your apps list
Sidestepping java with the NDK:
Building ndk sources by putting the ndk directory on your path and running
Compiler flags are in, debug options are set by the java project, add:
To the application properties in the manifest.
Writing to the sdcard from the ndk - you can just use fopen(“/sdcard/newfile.txt”) but you need to remember to add:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
To the manefest.
Debugging on emulator - in order to find the symbols first run:
set solib-search-path /path/to/your/project/obj/local/armeabi
Or, alternatively use addr2line to convert a crash address to the source location:
adb logcat (... lots of stuff including stack trace ...) addr2line -e deadbeef