==== Copying and Distributing ==== The material on this site, unless otherwise indicated remains the property of the contributing authors. External articles should be linked/referenced/credited appropriatly. However, since this site is essentially a work of collaboration, authorship as defined under the [[Berne Convention]] or the [[European Copyright Directive]] may be somewhat blurred. Authorship as otherwise generally understood under the shadow of [[Steam Boat Willie]], [[Sonny Bonno]] and [[Capitalist Hegemony]] equates ideas with physical property. Hence ownership and transferal rights are inherited from what may be a not entirely mappable source (and yes, it can be a tangled mess) until we have a workable system for [[Transclusion]] and [[Transcopyright]]. Any work not explicitly indicated as by a particular author or authors, or credited to an 'external' author on this site (http://libarynth.org and its vhosts) is assumed to be authored and collectively owned by [[FoAM]] when looked at through legal goggles. FoAM, and all contributing authors (unless otherwise explicitly stated) agree to licence the material under the terms of the [[Design Science Licence]]. Please read it, and adhere to it if you wish to copypaste/redistribute, or otherwise use the material contained in this site elsewhere. In brief, you are able to copy, modify, redistribute in any medium, etc+ under specfic terms which include particular atribution, and the condition that you do not relicence the material under other terms. (read the [[Design Science Licence]]) http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt copyright 2003 FoAM vzw. ---- this topic may not be changed without written permission from Foam vzw. ---- NOTE: as of JAN2004 the DSL is no longer being continued as a legal experiment. FoAM is considering changing the licencing terms of the material in the libarynth, but there are still a few issues. see [[Copying and distributing discussion]] for more details.. . ----