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29 April - 02 May 2005 several locations in Bristol

workshop: 30 April - 01 May 2005; The Scout Hut, Bristol, UK

'Nothing can surprise us'/ 'Ništa nas ne može iznenaditi (NCSU/NNNI) festival has provided a chance for FoAM's groWorld gardeners to plant some seeds in various urban sites in and around Bristol. These gardens will become a new node in the groWorld 'trans-local edge-habitat', a distributed network of public gardens (or; groWorld pocket-ecologies), planted in abandoned or otherwise 'de-activated' sites in urban and sub-urban environments around the globe. The workshop included an introduction to seedball making, site-spotting through psychogeographic drifting, seedball spreading and mapping the network of pocket-ecologies for on-site and on-line monitoring of their growth. The activities were followed by exploring the power of the seeds through cooking+consuming a seedy dinner. Local ecologists, children, artists, scientists, gardening amateurs and anyone else interested in being able to breathe in the coming decades, as well as preserving local and trans-local biodiversity were welcome to attend.

seedball locations in/around bristol: city walls around the Scout hut, the Cube Cinema garden, the Dove Street housing estate,….

Seeds supplied by

The mixture is a 50:50 wildflower:grass mix as follows;


  • Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire fog)
  • Festuca rubra (Wild fescue) x 3 species
  • Apera spica venti (Silky bent)


  • Echium vulgare (Vipers bugloss) For insect attraction
  • Papaver rhoeas (Wild poppy)
  • Agrostemma githago (Corncockle)
  • Centurea cyanus (Cornflower)
  • Matricaria perforata (Mayweed) Used as a tea
  • Isatis tinctoria (Woad) Used to make blue dye (Mel Gibson in Braveheart)
  • Ranunculus species (A mixture of buttercup species)
  • Rumex species (A mixture of sorrels)
  • Myostis arvensis (Forget me not)
  • Viola tricolor (A wild pansy blue, yellow and purple flowers)
  • Mixture of wild radish and wild garlic seed.
  • project_groworld_bristol.txt
  • Last modified: 2007-06-18 12:45
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